My first flip.. HELP!

Seedlings in soil, need Very little water, once a week.
Less water allows dry soil.
Dome needs spray for moisture.
Avoid drowning roots and still keep humidity higher.

These were dry seed dropped into moist soils (experiment).
FFHF and Bigfoot Mycorrhizae with Jacks RO
Dome sprayed for a week or longer before they popped.
Jan 1 2025

Feb 2, 2025

Looking for differences between no up-planting (final soil drop only) and solo cup seedlings.


I used to plant my seeds straight in the Solo cups after seeing the seed crack and not necessarily the tail. The only difference it takes a little more time for the seed to pop the dirt and the Solo cups without the tail.

Now, as soon as I see ever so slightly a piece of the tail through the crack I put them in the Solo cups.

Yes as soon as they pop the dirt lighting is a necessity or they’ll stretch to find light and eventually bend over like a 10th street hooker on payday.


Plants look amazing bro! I haven’t had bubba Kush since the 9th grade! it was so beautiful and frosty & I was higher than a kite on the beach of Cancun! Def need to get my hands on some :man_running:t4::dash:


@Lostgirl , these are 3, going on 4 days, one is 4, going on 5 days.
When do I remove the domes?


Those two up front look leggy as hell :flushed:


Yep, those two are definitely stretching more than I would like. I have the lights on the propagation tray all the way on high, but I think the domes are reducing the amount of light they are getting.


Im NOT a experienced grower by any means but i do have quite a bit of experience with veggies.

You might want to wait for a second opinion from @Lostgirl but i feel like the domes should come off now.

And maybe lower your light? Idk.

Paging Dr @Lostgirl please pick up the red phone at your earliest convenience.


Yea, this propagation tray is really meant to, or tall enough for putting solo cups in. So when they have domes on, the top rests on top of the domes. With the dome off, I prop up the end of the top with the unused domes.
I finally have the 5x5 with the other small plants stabilized at 80f and 80%RH so I could throw them in there, but I would like to see better true leaves before I do that… I think…maybe?


You have more plants? How many plants total?

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More than I should. LOL :point_up_2:
You can scroll up. 2-Future 1 photos from Kind Seed Co. 1-Bubba Kush photo from Barneys Farm. 2- Jelly Donutz photos from Humboldt Seed Co, 1-Fat Bastard photo from Kind Seed Co. 2-Cherry Cola Autos and 2-Strawberry Gorilla Autos from 420 Fastbuds, and now these Granite Haze F5 Autos from ILGM.
I popped these Granite Haze Autos because I didn’t thing the other autos were going to work out.


Holy hell thats alot of plants :flushed:
I have the 3 but i dont have alot of faith in one of them. I may put some beans in some water to try and make up for it, we’ll see.

I’m going to have to order some seeds soon, i only have a habdful of the WW left, 1 Northern Lights (that’ll be for outdoors this spring), and a freebie fast buds gave me.

I aint been havjng much luck lately…my first grow went pretty well, this time around its been nothkng but drama.


Gotta keep trying grow bro. That’s what I’m doing. I think I’m getting a little better.
I has a lot better luck with this second round of Auto beans. I do like photos better, but I wanted to grow some Autos, so I’ll keep trying until I get a decent run.
These are my first try at Autos, The 2 Strawberry Gorillas, and 2 Cherry Colas. But heck, They are like 27 days old now. And they are still tiny. But they are really starting to go now. We’ll see what they look like when they start to flower.


Personally, under all circumstances you must maintain the proper RH and temperature during this early seedling stage. (Especially for autoflowers)

As soon as they pop the dirt I put a dome over them and it stays misted/moist. When they get slightly over an inch I remove the domes ONLY if the relative humidity and temperatures are adequately on point in your tent. If not keep them on.

For me personally growing autoflowers I like the first 15 days from the day they pop to be 75° to 80° and 75% to 80% relative humidity.

The girls that you list above in the picture are definitely ready for the domes to come off as long as you are in check with your environment.

However, they are screaming for the light and that’s not good they will continue to stretch and eventually fall over until you get the adequate lighting that they need. (Fix this ASAP)

If you’re in question go to the manufacturers chart of your lighting and simple utilize their recommendation for seedling stage both high and percentage for your particular light.

From the looks of your picture they’re stretching pretty good so you’re going to need delicately and I emphasize on the word delicately make a prop for them to stand up straight as you adjust the light to their liking.

You can try adding dirt if there’s room in the solo cup to help with the height that they’ve stretched. Worst case scenario the prop will get you to transplant day and be sure to bury the stem to its normal size.

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Dont ask, don’t tell is OK with me.

As LG said
you’re going to need delicately and I emphasize on the word delicately make a prop for them to stand up straight as you adjust the light to their liking.
Pictured below serious leaners

Leaner above has green wire support.
Possibly helpful pictures for the future.

Dome watering seedlings, has advantages.

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@Lostgirl , Thank you for getting back to me. I have the tent with the small 27 day olds dialed in at 80F and 80%RH. I will check the par output on the 800w FE 8000 EVO light that is currently on 30%, 18/6 @ about 24 inches. I’m guessing around
200 umols PPFD should be about where I want to be?
So to be clear, What I can do is put these

In with these

As long as I maintain the 80F/80%RH and the proper amount of light.

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Hey all. It’s been a very long time since I did a complete update. So here it is for those who haven’t forgotten about me.
First is my first born, (very first grow ever). 2 Future #1 Fem Photo from KSC, And 1 Bubba Kush Fem Photo from BF. Around 10 weeks into full flower. I think I am ready to pull the plug on these but would like some input.
What I learned early on was, as a beginner, guessing with nutrients was not going to work for me. As per @Lostgirl recommendation I went with Advanced Nutrients PH perfect line and have had ZERO nutrient problems since.

So now tent 2, 2 Jelly Donutz Fem Photo from HSC, and 1 Fat Bastard Fem Photo from KSC. And almost 6 weeks in full flower. I have to lovingly refer to this tent as my Foxtail farm.
What I learned from my first grow was to be mindful of the size of the plants while in veg, and flip before it becomes unmanageable. And to keep the Circ fans mounted in a way that they can be moved/removed when the plants grow into them. What I did NOT learn was how to gauge light intensity. I have since purchased a Photobio Advanced PAR Meter. No more guessing.

Tent 3, Autos. I had an interest in trying to run some Autoflowers but it was very intimidating to me because my “sprout game” has not been that great. Doing the Photos I always had time to nurse them when they weren’t doing well. One thing I have learned with Coco/Perlite is that it is still very easy to over water when they are in the sprout stage. So what I did with these when sprouting the seeds is I soaked them for 18 hours in a cup of water with a cap full of hydrogen peroxide at 85 degrees. I cut the Root Riot cubes in 1/4s and put those in Solo cups filled with the coco/perlite. I think those peat seed starting cubes are to big and to hard for the little roots to get through. Plus I think they hold onto to much water. My Solo cups I use the clear inside the red, and I cut down the side and cut the bottom out of the clear cups so it’s easier to transplant. I completely soak the contents of the Solo cups with 150 ppm Calmag/RO water and then let them drain for 1-2 hours before I put the seed in the little piece of Root Riot cube. Then when they break ground NO WATERING for at least a week with the dome on at 80f. I had 10/12 perfect seedlings this way. Transplanting out of the Solo cups there was no shock, and they seemed to actually excel when they were transplanted.
So back to front (largest to smallest, 2 Strawberry Gorilla Auto, then 2 Cherry Cola Auto at about 7 weeks old. I really didn’t think these would amount to anything for as long as it was taking for them to grow. All I can figure is that they developed all their roots before the above ground growth. They still are not even in full flower.
And in the very front are 5 Granite Haze F5 Autos from ILGM. I’m really impressed with how healthy and uniform these have been since day 1. 1 or 2 were a bit on the smaller side, but their color and shape has really been on point.
Moving forward, I feel like I have been going full throttle with what I have going now, My next phase will be to go with fewer, more sculpted plants like I have seen from you veterans. Quality over quantity.

Thank you everybody for all the information I have been learning along the way. I’ll try to tag those that I have been following and learning from. I’m sure I won’t remember everybody because I try to read everything.
@OGIncognito , @Lostgirl , @Low , @MadamCalamity , @Growdoc , @MidwestGuy , @Jayjay504 , @Caligurl , @kaptain3d , @RightAway
I guess I can only tag 10. I hope the rest of you know who you are.


You definitely have a lot going on, looking good in there. Autos seem to foxtail more than photos, my last GDP auto grow did it. Backing down your lights to mimic fall fade and lighter nutes usually keep them at bay. Keep at it, for a first grow, your killin it!


Man all them plants look great :+1::+1:


Worthy goal for all of us.


@Lightbrightt2010 you can kind of see the irrigation feeding systems here.