Hello. Newbie seedling questions/troubleshooting

Hello, and I want to say how grateful I am to be on this forum. Tons of great info.
My first ever successful germination. Things have been going pretty well I think.
I’m growing 5-Future #1 from Kind Seed company and 1-Bubba Kush from Barney Farms. All in Solo cups with FF 70/30 Coco/Perl. I’m growing in an AC Infinity 4x2 tent setup with an Atreum Lighting 3200, 320 watt light set at 30%, 24 inches above. The tent runs consistently at 75 degrees F, 73% RH and .80 VPD.
I’m feeding every other day (when cups start to feel light) to runoff and have graduated up to feeding a cocktail of 1/3 Cal Mag 446ppm/0696EC, 1/3 FF Cultivation Nation 2-1-6 Grow, 365ppm/0868EC and 1/3 Recharge 197ppm/0394 EC for a total of 348ppm/0696EC, PH 6.0 going in and fed until run off matches. measured with Apera PC60. All plants have had identical everything
I think the general condition has been pretty good. I have 2 that stretched. /The Bubba Kush is a rescue that I had given up on germination and forgot it was still in the closet until a week later when I went in to get something else and noticed this poor little dying stem, so I through him in with the rest just to see if he would make it, and by golly he is coming around and actually catching up to some of the others.
Now, Questions, What’s with the bending/curling stem? mostly just the one, but 2 others are slightly doing it also. Second, The one with the yellow leaves? Third, If you look close you will see there are a few new grow leaves, the sides are curling upwards a bit? I am starting to notice a slight amount of green algae tint on the medium surface.
Lastly, I will be doing their first transplanting into 1 gallon plastic soon and wonder if I can bury the 2 stretch Armstrongs deeper and make all the plant height’s relatively the same. Or is it to late for the stems to take root?



Welcome to the forum. You look good. Keep on with what you are doing. Looks aboit time to uppot actually.


I would go to final pot myself. 1 gallon is small. 5g or 7 will work better. Cloth.


Welcome to the Canna-Fam Growmie :facepunch:. When was the last picture taken? My plants droop a little bit just after lights come on or just before lights go off. The curling of the leaves look to me to be either overwatered or too much light. Do you know your DLI or ppfd ?
The bending or curling stem looks like you had the light too far away while it was in the seedling stage and it got too heavy to hold itself up but now it’s got a better root system and now supporting itself


Welcome to the forum Sir @OldNailPounder :smile:

For the seedling bending, that could be just because of environmental factors. Is there a fan to provide them with a bit of airflow. Having them gently “sway” to a gentle breeze will help the stem toughening up.

For the green algae and the yellowing leaves, I think it’s overwatering :thinking:

And I agree with @Storm , you could put them in bigger pots, I prefer to transfer to the final pot from the Solo cup, but that’s a grower’s preference. More transplants = more occasion to work the roots with proper watering which is easier, imo, when going through different size pots. But it’s also very easy to do (getting the roots to grow bigger) by using a proper watering/feeding method. :nerd_face:


I want to add a bit about your pots. Plastic is a good way for houseplants. Cannabis can have an extensive root ball. Root binding and too much water retention in plastic is common. Transplants are harder.
Cloth allows the roots to grow through and self prune effectively negating root bind. Water is allowed to pass through and overwatering can be relieved by placing the pot on a riser. The water will drain out easier. Oxygen can replace itself in the soil faster with the breathing cloth. Any transfer or repot can be accomplished by jiggling the bag to loosen or if roots stuck to it just can cut the cheap bag down the sides and pull off. Reusable if not cut.
All in all a cloth works 10x better than plastic for our growing. At repot just bury the plants up to bottom leaves. The existing buried stem will grow roots. Our concerns at this stage are root developement. Once the plant feels it can feed itself well from roots it will then focus above the surface and begin its veg cycle. You will know when that occurs as the plants will “take off” and begin rapid growth. No nutes are necessary for first few weeks or up to a couple months. All depending on soils original ammendments.
I know a long post but that is pretty much it to get to veg. The girls are still prone to overwater easy till they get foliage and begin to sweat moisture. Tent rh in vegging will climb every water and during night. Common so unless 80% or more dont stress it. Will come down lights on. Just putting out a lot of info in 1 shot my friend. You came to the right place.
No judgements. No hassles. And few times do we lead you wrong up here. Any missed or bad advice from ANY of us is caught and corrected with NO flaming. We just do not do that.
Once again WELCOME and we hope you stay. Strength in numbers. Everyones opinions are respected. Grow on man.


Hi all :wave:
Thank you all so much for the much needed input. The photo marked "general condition was from yesterday. The rest were from this morning just after feeding and the light had been on about 3 hours at that point. I do have a fan that is blowing just over the top of the plants just enough to make them wiggle when it oscillates by.
I’ve often thought I’ve overwatered and cut back. I initially thought you couldn’t overwater with coco, but I have seen them droopy (watering every day) and cut back, and they recovered. So now I’m going every other day or third day depending on how heavy the cup feels. The PAR map Atreum 3200 should be roughly what my light is producing at 30%, 26 inches from the plants. so around 250-270 PAR. I don’t know what DLI or ppfd is or how to tell. I’ll need an education on that.
I was going to go from the solo cups to 1 gal pots, plastic because it’s what i have, and because I thought it would be easier to then move them to the final 5 gallon fabric pots. My thought process on that was to develop a more consistent root system top to bottom rather than the roots just going straight down. But (I’m asking) I am hand watering from the top so perhaps I don’t need to worry about that?
And I have noticed the heater and humidifier hardly ever run anymore since I turned the lights up to 30%, and the exhaust fan now kicks on pretty frequently when the temp reaches 76 degrees. I am also weaning back the light schedule and am down to 19 on 5 off.
And thanks again. You all are so awesome. I’m sure there would be a lot more throwing in towel if not for good people like you.


I am sorry but I gave you soil directions. If in coco the coco growers will ammend my comments to relate to that medium.


Whatever pot you transplant in, the secret is watering around the plant in a circle just outside the perimeter made by the biggest leaves, in coco or soil. That way, the roots can “feel” the water and have to reach for it, thus growing in the process. If you water too close to the stem, the root ball will stay smallish and you risk dampering off… :nerd_face:


Welcome to the forum.

I dont know $hit! :rofl:


Stay with us. We expect you to be troubleshooting for others soon or we did not serve you well.


:laughing: I was half joking, I was reading all those knowledgeable answers about ppm (I am just about getting the hang of it :sweat_smile:), and I had really nothing to ad but i wanted to say welcome :pray:.
But thank you for your good wishes, i am certainly learning :blush:


Welcome to the community .


I’m back. Amazon came with my RO system so I had to hook that up quick. Then I had to run to get another bag of Coco mix to fill up 6-5 gallon fabric pots. Now what I am about to do (and please tell me if this isn’t right) I’m going to fill all the new pots and flush them with the same nutrient solution I am currently using, until I get the same runoff readings that I am getting with the plants. I’ve read that will minimize shock/stress to the plant. The guy at the grow store sold me the stuff to sprinkle on the roots when i transplant. Mycorrhizal I think
Now I’ve run into a new problem. 6-5 gallon pots with bases and risers don’t fit in my 4x2 tent. I did recently pick up another barely used 4x2 tent almost identical to what I have, but the light is different. This tent has an AC Infinity IONFRAME EVO3 light and I have absolutely no Idea how high, and what to set it at. The light they are currently under is 320 watts at 30%, 24-26 inches above the plants. This new light is 280 watts. So I’m guessing I could run it about 35% at the same distance? To match what they are used to?
On a bright note, HOLY SMOKES!!! These girls really perked up since this mornings feeding. I think even Miss yellow leaf looks a bit better.

Thanks all for hanging in there with me. I’m going to start flushing the coco now and I will keep you posted.


Welcome to the grow fam alot of very friendly growers here and glad to help others with any issues HAPPY GROWING :metal:


Your going to like the evo 3. I believe the output is 280w with a 320w driver. I start mine at 20-22 inches from canopy and watch leaves. Think book says 18 inches but seems like that had been a bit close.

New grower as well. Take it for what it’s worth my man. Good luck. :grin:


Yikes! Yeah that’s too much for a 4x2. I can do 4 in a 4x4 but prefer just 3


Yea, I’ve come up with a new hair brained plan. I’m going to transplant them into 2 gallon fabric pots for a couple 3 more weeks, then rehome 3 of them to someone else, and keep 3 for myself and move them into 5 gallon pots. The 2 gallon fabric pots i found look like they would be easy to cut away when it’s time to move them into their 5 gallon forever home. Plus, I don’t think I’ve seen anyone so happy as the person I told I would give him 3 of these plants. He was tickled


New home for a couple weeks. 2 gallon fabric pots that I can cut away when it’s time for the final 5 gallon fabric pots. I flushed the coco/perl 3 times. First with ph’d cal mag, Second with ph’d Recharge, a lastly with the nutrient cocktail they are currently getting until the run off matched the run off I have been getting the last couple feeding. And I sprinkled the roots with Mycorrhizal.
It was so much work. I wish now I would have just went into the final 5 gallon pots like most suggested. At least for now they are all the same height. 1 of the 2 stretch Armstrongs was so bad and bent over I was worried it was going to break off though I had a light wire stake holding it up.


Hello all. I hope all is well. I have a little trouble brewing. I’m thinking light stress?
They seemed to be doing okay but not spectacular. 3 plants have shown significant growth, 2 have shown decent growth, and 2 have shown some growth but not much.
The only thing that has changed as far as routine or environment is, when I repotted them I moved them to the floor and lower the light with them, but instead of 24 inches I went to 18 inches. I did lower the intensity from 30% to 20 % for a couple days after transplant. Then turned it back up to 30%, yesterday was the first full day back at 30%. The light is an Atreum Lighting Hydra 3200. Plants are 20 days this side of the dirt.

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