What light setup would be best for me

Hi there community.

I wanted to know what lights would be best for me. I have a 8 x 4 grow tent and want to grow with HID lights. Would two 300w be fine in the tent? and do I have to use air-cooled reflectors or not?

Hey, @Calvin1722 this is just my own curiosity, is there a particular reason for wanting to grow with HID lights. I’m not questioning your choice just interested if you see a advantage using HID.

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Hi. So I currently use 180w of led power but I was dissapointed with the outcome… I want to be able to grow big yields but don’t want to fork out alot of money for the light… I don’t mind about the consumption. I worry about the price tag to get a light that can grow me like 400 g of bud at a time.

Im only using half my tent 4 x 4. Cos I bought a way to big tent


You would want to use (2) 600 watt fixtures in a 4x8 space. You definitely want air-cooled fixtures. A digital dimmable ballast is preferable as well. growershouse always seems to have the best prices on them.


Would a 400 w be good enough for a decent yield. In half the tent… Cos I have a 8 x 4 but I’m currently only using 4 x 4 of the tent. And from what wattage do I need to start thinking of venting the heat out???

400 watts would be weak in a 4x4 tent. You really want 600 watts if you want to grow decent buds. Regarding when to vent the heat, the answer is - always. You don’t need to add an additional exhaust fan. You just connect the air-cooled hood to your existing exhaust fan.

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2 hlg260xl rspec in a 4x4.

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I am looking at buying this one but the Reflector has me concerned about the heat… I have a extraction fan already but how would I cool down this Reflector…

You wouldn’t. That’s exactly the type of reflector that created the misconception that HID lighting runs hot. This is what you need:

You can get the same thing with a magnetic ballast for even less, but it’s worth spending a little extra for a digital dimmable ballast.
It kind of sounds like you’re trying to get the least expensive possible setup. One thing you will see repeated throughout this hobby is that the one place you should not try to cheap out on is lighting. If you can’t afford a decent light right now, my advice would be to continue using what you have and to save money until you can afford something better. It’s would be a shame to spend money on something insufficient and then regret it later.
If you save long enough, you might even be able to get a pair of good quantum board LEDs. A pair of HLG 260 XL fixtures would be just the ticket for a 4x4 space.


Thank you so much bro I really appreciate it. Will save up first

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If you type in grow light hlg on Amazon . They have a 600 watt light from Mars. Regular price 299 dropped to 99 . I know people get serious about lights but I had budget concerns. Something just to look at.

Yep as TommyBahama said, go air-cooled, so easy to keep HIDs cool (and your tent) if you go with an air-cooled reflector, and 600 watt HPS is the way to go for 4x4 (or even 3x3).

A 600 watt MH in my veg tent with a cool tube type air-cooled reflector

And a 600 watt HPS in my flowering tent also with a cool-tube type reflector and carbon filter

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Not even close to 600 watts, that’s a 100 watt (actual) light. A 600 watt HPS would blow that thing away so bad when it comes to yield and density, and coverage.

Something to be aware of with the digital ballasts is they can interfere with cellphone and wifi signals. This is how LE used to catch indoor grows by using an SWR meter to measure RF coming off the lights.

Thanks for the info, still learning. Price as been a limitation I have been struggling with. I appreciate the tip and will continue to look into options

Yeah, heard about that so I bought these things that are supposed to stop that many years ago.

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@SKORPION, that’s why many of us hate the BS marketing used by the cheaper LED manufacturers. They have no right in calling that light a 600 watt, it doesn’t use 600 watts, does not put out 600 watts, does not replace a 600 watt HID light, the only thing 600 watt about it is the name, when really it’s a 100 watt light.

Unfortunately, this happens with fluorescent and LED lighting as well. In fact, it’s very common these days with LED because of the massive influx of Chinese grow lights. The common thing among them is cheap Chinese knockoffs of Philips, Quantum and Meanwell. None of them meet FCC certification or are UL listed. Lesson learned - sometimes you get what you pay for.
For anyone who has purchased no-name or knockoffs from (for example) Alibaba or Amazon, you can easily check for RFI (Radio Frequency Interference) using a portable AM or short wave radio tuned as low as it will go, with the antenna close to your power supply.


Thanks again I was just in time to cancel my order before it shipped. Saved me 100 bucks

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Wise decision, save that $100 towards a good light.