Day 2 under 1000W LED (getting approx 170 umols/m2/s. Going outside in 3 weeks. What is the white growth? TIA
Very few 1000 watt lamps exist and they are very expensive. Your light is probably ~100 watts and these less efficient lights use more of that wattage to generate heat rather than light. The sellers puff up the capability of the lights by using creative math. It’s likely that you will need more light to effectively flower her.
The white things may be roots looking for soil. Can you post a close-up pic?
Your seedling is stretching for more light. Lower your light closer to the plant or turn it up so that the plant stops stretching.
Never in my life have I seen anything like that. @lacewing and @Caligurl are pretty good in the pest department. That’s where I’m guessing its from anyways. Does it move? Can you get a toothpick and try to gently scrape it off? If it was a full on established plant, I’d say cut it off wuth a razor But being a young seedling gonna have to be real careful.
Are you sure @MidwestGuy? It does look like roots now that you say it. But man that’s weird looking coming out in one little strip. If its roots tooooootally ignore scraping them off, and throw more medium in there. The roots will catch. More roots=more growth.
I’m not. It’s a best guess. I’ve seen similar things on my seedlings, but you are right. Never in a strip like that.
Wonder if the “seek” app will ID eggs
Remove the egg sack, bury the stretched stem and lower the light
That just can’t be roots can it? To perfect. I’d like to know what that is if anyone figures it out.
This is what my seedlings are receiving for light. I thought this was too strong already since I read 100-300 umols/m2/s
If you have what was sold as a 1000 watt light is is likely that the statements they make about PPFD are also false. Your plant is stretching because it isn’t getting enough light.
Ive never seen anything like that ever. I almost dont know what to think. Kind of looks like rooting but its such a strange formation it almost looks like some kind of fungus starting or something
What is your general location?
I’ve not seen roots like that. I’m leaning towards a fungus but give me a minute before you do anything with it!
Tulsa, Oklahoma
I’m perplexed but I have phoned a friend (LOL). At this early stage, you won’t be able to physically remove it. The stem is just too delicate. I’m still leaning towards a fungus or type of slime mold (which isn’t really mold).
This won’t hurt no matter what it is… Take a mixture of 50/50 milk and water and spray it on the stem with no direct lights hitting it until it dries. Watch it and see if it either moves, grows, or changes or starts wilting. You may need to do it at least 3 days in a row.
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Thank you - I’ll do that tonight and see if there’s any change overnight.
I appreciate the help.
And I’ll let you know if I find anything else out but you don’t hae the option to scrape it off with that delicate stem. Do you have any other plants in the area? I’m thinking, just in case t can spread via spores or through the mycelium in to the soil
I really don’t think it’s PM so didn’t spray with milk: water mix.
Just for grins I buried it and gave it water. I’ll give it a week and gently uncover it to see. I’m willing to sacrifice one plant to satisfy my curiosity. All my plants are in Solo cups at this moment.
Thank you -