Grove bags!! They are awesome. Once you get your humidity 58-62% in the bag. You never have to touch them. Toss em in a cool dark place and can heat seal them if you wish
In the past I’ve used mason jars for buds and I vacuum seal fresh and dry trim that goes into the freezer until I have enough to do a batch of bubble hash. But I too jumped on the grove bag train. Just had my bags delivered. Pretty pumped on giving them a go.
I’ll jump in with how I store long-term, cause it works great.
I put the buds in a Ziploc. I put the Ziploc and a Boveda 62 Humipack in a Food Saver bag, and just push the air out (what I can). Then I seal the Food Saver bag, without applying any vacuum to the bag, so as not to crush my buds. Then the whole package goes into a cigar humidor, which has cigar humidifier juice.
So the Ziploc has more permeability than the Food Saver, and the Boveda makes sure that whatever permeability occurs is at 62% RH. And the humidity in the humidor stays aroud 65-68 RH.
I’ve stored for at least 9 months, and still had good buds.
On Amazon they have a 100 ok of 1pz double lines bags like Grove bags but not as fancy shiny silver inside matte black outside they work wonderful can be zipped locked then sealed if u want. 100 ok for like 25 bucks. Keep the air out and sealed great so far. I have weed from my first grow in a bag still that is awesome and it’s over a year old. I don’t touch the bags for opening for closing after the burp process. I do start in jars once dried I put on bags burp bags once daily for a week then once every other day for a week until I get to once a week then I stop the burp and leave them sealed. So far I cannot complain but I would love to get the Grove bags as it’s just dry and throw on grove bag no burping necessary as the bag does the work 4 u
Another grove bag fan (I never even made it to using jars)! Stabilize the RH, then seal with a $1 flat iron from the thrift store and store in a dark, cool space (which happens to be an old wooden bar I don’t use).
Grove bags right here. The plain black ones though. The strain specific have a velvety texture and I think they let more moisture out than the plain ones.
I wanted to mention something,can’t remember if I saw it here or somewhere else. If you are going to store in Grove Bags long term, you need to keep humidity up around 60% in storage area. After a period of time in low humidity environment your rh will drop inside Grove Bag to the level the storage area is.
I just saw that someone had posted that. I know that I have some Sebrings Breeze stored in bags and the humidity has dropped in them. Didn’t really think about until I saw that posted. They do great during cure,and for several months afterwards. I intend to continue using them, but for my next harvest I’ve got a area to store bags that I can control rh in.