Grove bags for long term storage?

Just curious about what everyone’s thoughts are with using grove bags for long term storage or if I should be switching to jars after so long.
If so, after how long should I be switching?
Thanks in advance


I have had mine stored since last December. You probably mean longer than that and I can’t say but I think it will store for a long while. Someone who knows will chime in soon. :v::blush:

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I think a lot of it would depend on ambient conditions wherever your storing the bags. I know the ones my coworker leaves under the seats in my truck are always dust by the time I find them a month or two later. later. I don’t use them so I couldn’t tell you more than that.

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IDKS, but I use them

even saw (read for first time) this on the bag

Don’t over-stuff bag.
1-oz bags are perfect for give-away/sharing.
Over time the RH could change, more with environment used for storage.
Bags could fill the transition time from “Hanging” (after sweating") before more permanent Jar for storage months 2-8 or more. Transition time week two or three until month two.
Maybe it will work.
Ask @noddykitty1 in a week what he thinks of them.
Meter used for RH visual in window.


Long term is a relative term. I smoke mine up after a while LOL but I’ve had herb in groves bags for as long as 14 months at most and it just seems to get stronger after 6/8 months in the bags.ive had no degragation if it dry’s a bit just slip a potato wedge to moisten back up. Store in cool dark place and your good


Exactly :green_heart::metal:t2:


I misplaced a half a zip in a Grove Bag and found it almost a year later. Fresh as ever, no deterioration in aroma, potent as the day it was done curing.


Just make sure they are sealed properly. I find the really large (1 gallon +) bags don’t seal with just the slide of your fingers… you have to go inch by inch and a queeze them until you hear it click. I still open them up from time to time to check the moisture. If needed, you can either leave the bag open to dry out or add a fresh cannabis leaf to get moisture up. Some people will tell you to throw an orange peel in, but I caution against that because that can mold if you don’t take it out after a day or two.


I have had mine in grove bags for 9 months. The only thing I notice is it just gets better. I will doubt that I ever use jars again. They are just too much work. :blush::v:


Glad you mentioned it getting better as I thought it was just me! Between 6 and 8 months it seems to get stronger consistently. I have convinced myself its an “aging” process going on like Wine, Tobacco, Beef ect that get better with aging.