Growing in a greenhouse tent with doors and 1 window open. Midwest. We’ve had a good summer.
Found these tiny dots, like burn marks, or bite marks… I don’t know.
Thank you in advance😁
Growing in a greenhouse tent with doors and 1 window open. Midwest. We’ve had a good summer.
Found these tiny dots, like burn marks, or bite marks… I don’t know.
Looks like bug eggs/spots. Capt Jacks Deadbug should resolve the issue.
In the leaf or on the leaf?
Definitely mites and will kill your plant if not addressed. CJDB is a great choice. Be sure to perform a bud wash in peroxide at harvest.
It’s not on the leaves, something has happened to the leaf. Let me get a better pic - front and back
I sprayed them a week ago with Bergman’s Mold Control
In the leaf.
Always do that at the beginning of season
A peroxide wash will rinse off all of the insect carcasses. You probably don’t want to smoke those…
Do the black spots move? If they do, I’ll put my money on spider mites.
The white things are probably eggs (like @MidwestGuy said) and the remains of eggs that have hatched.
I think a magnifier should be part of any grower’s toolkit. If you’d had one, it would’ve been easy to see what the black and white stuff is.
Looks like you have mites or aphids, neither are good for your plant. If this is an inside grow, you will also need to clean out your tent.
Best of luck and happy growing!!
I would remove affected leaves, if not too many, then spray with the captain jacks dead bug. Best of luck.
You can’t see spider mites without magnification, they stay on bottom of leaves also. Mite eggs are microscopic and will be on the underside of leaves, they look like little round balls with a honeycomb pattern to them. Deadbug will get whatever it is though.
Why hydrogen peroxide rather than water? Will the bugs leave bacteria or viruses behind? By “wash,” do you mean submerged in a small tub?
A mixture of water and peroxide. I use a tote of about 10 gals, don’t use that much water but the depth helps with splashing. Submerge buds and swirl around and lightly shake, then remove and drain well. Immediately hang them to dry.
The amazing Dr zymes eliminator is safe for your buds and is a fungicide and pesticide all in one!
H2O2 mixed with water will loosen debris that plain water won’t.