What did I do when leave get like this ? Also I seen little black dots on the up coming leaves?
Meant to edit, not delete. Have you gotten nutrient solution on those leaves while watering? Are they touching the soil? How old is the plant and is it just those lower leaves looking rough?
if it doesn’t spread, it might just be some water burns from watering and/or touching the plant while watering…
she looks healthy to me.
Should I cut them ?
Check the undersides of your leaves real good with a magnifying glass for pests also. I agree with @Outlaw but another pic shows a bunch of little holes in leaves i suspect there could be some pests as well possibly
What should I use for pest ? Should I cut the dead leaves thank you alll for your support
To me. It looks like some thing has been eating the leaves on the first one. Similar to a caterpillar. The lower just looks like the leaves have been sitting on the soil when you fed.
There in a grow tent so I don’t think it would be that any recommendation for pest ?
I my self have never had any thing chew on my plants other than a stray mouse. I get holes like that from tucking in my scrogs. But you don’t have that either. Maybe @AfgVet has an idea. I should ask. Are those black dots or holes? my pc makes it look like holes. I would take an aye look and look at them good. I have seen little black piles of poop from thripts before. normally they are smaller and spread out
Late night scrolling. I was just looking at the bottom one while typing. Didn’t even see the obvious holes in that first pic. SMH.
there’s like holes not sure if you guys can see them in the first pictures thank you outlaw and everyone else trying to help
If mice are chewing on anything then peppermint oil is a good way to keep them away. If they’re coming through holes then stuffing the hole with steel wool coated with peppermint oil will stop them. @Bryanvilla23 if it’s some kind of bug or caterpillar then Captain Jack’s Dead Bug is my go to. Even if that’s not what’s going on you should have some CJDB on hand if you plan on continuing growing.
If you have pests and are still in veg neem oil works really good but i think its nasty smelly to work with but works really well. Capt jacks dead bug spray is the way to go if you are in flower and can be mixed 1 1/2 strength to spray directly on pests. You will need to do a bud wash after harvest as well, also you will probably want to spray right when lights go out so the light wont burn the leaves shining thru the droplets
Where can I find it I have never seen mice so I doubt it and bc it’s also in a grow tent
You can find capt jacks dead bug spray at lowes, most big box stores or where bonide brand products are sold
How would I apply to it ?
I’m with @Not2SureYet
I would look around the plants for something snacking.
And the second pic, remove those leaves and any others that are that low on the plant and may touch the soil. They’ve just gotten splashed