Anyone know what this spot on the leaf is?

I’ve just looked at the lower leaf, it’s only on one leaf, it’s a bit brownish / greenish and I’m not sure why. Anyone know what this is?

Not the one that looks clear, that’s my fault. The one that’s closer to the stem.

If this is one of her first couple leaves you are fine. They tend to get a tad wonky.

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Looks like a pest been grazin. Captain Jack’s Dead Bug Juice Concentrate mixed at 1.5x strength every other day for not so bad, then just once or twice a week. If bad, once a day for 3-5 days, then every other/couple for a week. Safe until harvest, rinses away with a bud wash.

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It is one of her first leaves

Will save this in-case it gets worse

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Just keep an eye on her.

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Will do! I don’t think it’s a HUGE problem, haven’t seen any pests really. It’s also only on one leaf, if it gets worse I’ll update here.

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Hey @Borderryan22 and @beachglass looks like I’ve found the culprit. What do you guys suggest? Been feeding on the lower leaves too… :sob:

@MeEasy ill add you here for help too

Also is this what the stem should look like?

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I can’t be sure but the leaf damage looks like leaf miner. The little worm looking thing I’m guessing is just that a worm or caterpillar. As I said I think and I’m guessing :thinking: my go to bug guy is @Lacewing and there’s another one that I can’t remember his name right now, damn old brain. If I can remember I’ll come back and tag them


Jack’s dead bug spray can be used right up to harvest.

I do believe it was a leaf miner. I ended up cutting off the two leaves, hopefully the recovery is alright!

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Yes on the stem, thats a sign of exponential growth.

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Ur gonna need to do more then removing that leaf to rid yourself of the miners Im sure.

Thank you :)) didn’t wanna over worry, kinda looks like the stem is shedding :joy:

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It is essentialy

Also I don’t think so, it was said to just remove the leaves and if there’s only one or two of them then it might be okay and not an infestation. If there’s more then might be time to use a bug spray. I do have the ilgm bug spray, do you know if that works?

Havent had bugs that needed killing.

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