I have read a fair bit about growing mediums from purchasing a Ffof, Roots Organic or Canna Terra through to producing your own supersoil with everything from Manures to Supplement/Aditives(perlite, coco, vermiculite etc)
I am to understand a true soil contains a humus therefore straight coco is classes “soil less” and a super soil with compost, castings etc is just that a (super)soil.
And after reading the manufacturers ingredients and the people on the forums advice, I built my own growing medium and am wondering is it soil or soil less???
It contains
1/3 Cococoir
1/3 Potting mix and other fertiliser like blood n bone, chicken manure and mushroom COMPOST
1/3 Perlite
I know FoxFarm, Canna and others on the forum use a mixture like mine maybe with more/different manures or composts and tried to attempt a similar product.
@garrigan62 I hope you do not mind the tag or questions
I was curious of the use of molasses for feeding soil/plants. I can not seem to find an answer i like from anyone so far, a little divided with both sides having valid points of debate.
My curiosities are this
How long would it take to see effect of molasses after a feed/watering?
Is there a point to feeding the soil/plant with molasses?
(This seems to be one of those kinda divided subjects)
If it is ok, how often should one use the ‘‘nute’’?
I have read every plain water interval but would be concerned about burning as it has so many micros and macros in it and would still be using fish emulsion and coconut water
I can try to help, butt Will is much more suited to give you detailed answer.
Molasses’ biggest role in your medium will be to feed your microbes and keep them active. If you’re growing organic, the amount of time you see results would likely vary on how much your medium needs the carb load. You may already be supplying something that will behave in similar fashion. In which case you probably wouldn’t see a big difference at all. This would be something like a pre mixed tea blend. On the other hand, if you’re lacking you could see positive results in plant behavior within a day or two.
Unless it’s a blend using molasses and other things, molasses doesn’t contain a lot of mobile nutrients to my knowledge. I think it has a little potassium, and small amounts of calcium and iron. The npk on the one I use is 0-0-1, others may vary a little though. In most cases you wouldn’t really worry about the typical dose burning anything.
You didn’t really ask, but I feel like it’s relevant. If you’re growing organic you should look into brewing teas instead of just applying mixture like you would synthetic nutes. This can be done as simply as getting your elements mixed together and aerating them overnight. The high level of oxygen really gives your bennies a kick in the butt. Otherwise there are people that seem to successful applying their carb load separately too.
Been looking at doing my own teas, setup is cheap and good continuous source of beneficials and ferts not only for the ladies but the whole garden(love plants in general)
Only question would be is what sort of liter/hour change over of air needs to be pumped through?
I found something talking aboit dwc needing 1l@5gal, would this apply to tea airation also or is that number so for live root/plant needs?
I’m not really sure. There are some pretty fancy devices available, but I just shoved a small aquarium styled air pump with a 2” air stone into 5 gallon bucket.
I’m not really sure if the molasses really does any of that to be honest. It may, but it may also just facilitate other elements contributing too.
I’m not really aware of much for cons. I was always a little concerned that too much may attract some bugs, but can’t say it did. It would also be an added expense.
I don’t mind you asking questions at all that’s what i’m here for.
As far as the molasses goes I’ve tried it and as far as I am concerned it’s a waste of time.
I didn’t see any change what as ever.
The only time I saw a difference was when I was at the end of harvest and put my girls into 72 hors of darkness.
but what real did it was using larger pots and making my own soil.
All those other gimmicks like sugar, molasses ect. is nothing but a waste of time and that’s my own personal findings.
You know that’s why you can’t find a clear answer on that subject. No body as a clear answer.
It just caused me or I should say caused my plants nothing but more issues which we don’t need or want.