Spider mites...my battle plan

So I’ve found spider mites in my veg tent and have been working on eradicating them now for about 5 days.
I noticed them walking up my green coated wire tie downs.
My first course of action was to mix 1 TBSP of both Neem oil and Bonner’s soap in a quart of Ph 6.5 water and sprayed all plant top and bottoms and the soil and tie downs.
2 days later I followed up with 3% Hydrogen peroxide spaying all.
2 days later (last night) I sprayed them with Captain jacks deadbug 1 TBSP per quart.
This morning there are still some movement (easy -so to speak- to see them walking up and down the green coated wire tie downs.

This afternoon my lady bugs will arrive and will be adding a hundred or so into the tent. I will also be providing them with some food using bee pollen mixed in water in a lid for food.
Does anyone have experience using them inside a tent for spider mite control? Suggested food to mix up for them? To keep them healthy?

I ordered 1500 and will release them in stages over the next week or two. Will also put some outside in my garden and yard.

So far I haven’t seen any signs of them in the flower tent.

Thanks for any help


I’m right in the end rounds of the same battle with these little sh!tz.
I got fed up with the flowering plants and trying to keep them so long story short…I now have a bunch of clones (cleaned) and 4 vegging plants I’ve almost killed all the mites on…so cleaned 'em again this morning.
I figured they are probably gonna die or be stunted in the least so why not spray the crap outta them and do some testing.
I tried neem oil mixture…didn’t do much.
Now I’m using 1 L water + 1/4 cup of 50% alcohol + 1/4 cup 3% peroxide and about 1/4 tsp of Dawn dish soap…spray the crap out of it and cover the plant everywhere…then I run water into the pots to ‘clean’ out anything that ran down to try and protect the roots
I wait about an hour use the mix again then I use a small pump from china and spray/clean everything off the best I can…
So far so good…the plants seem to be in much better condition now and its just a guess, but I’d say thats a sign your winning the battle…smell also is coming back.
Good luck and hope you get every one of those litlle @#$%^&*…lol

P.S. DO NOT USE ON A FLOWERING PLANT…it will destroy the buds.
and its working on strawberry plants too :slight_smile:


Forgot to add some @,s

@ whoever else can offer advice as this is my first time dealing with the critters

Not much help here. I would think the spinosad would take care of it. If not, maybe a sulfur based pesticide?

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I think @Myfriendis410 does something with 50/50 isopropyl alcohol and water. Maybe he can help.


I vote for @Ning recipe. Use a Ghost chili, Garlic, and some mint. Pulverize in mortar and pestle , strain, mix with water and add a few drops of dish soap.

I tried spraying some in my eyes, it hurt bad, I imagine it would kill the mites based on my reaction!


I top dress my plants with insect frass for the extra immune boost once a month and use raw goats milk once a week diluted 9 parts water 1part milk, i haven’t had any leaf MINNERS or other bugs outdoors or in my cloning cabinets, i used organocide and neem oil in the past as a preventative mixed with raw aloe vera, but had to try an alternative, my wife can’t stand the smell, either i get rid of f the plants or my wife, lol.@garrigan62 has a hot pepper recipe that ive been dying to try, other members have done it with great results, but i haven’t had spider mites to experiment with, sorry buddy good luck


Straight 3% peroxide works well and follow it up with either Captain Jack’s Deadbug or Safer spray (spinosad and BtK respectively). Allow that to sit for 5 days and repeat the whole process. Alcohol works until trichomes form but is much harsher on the plants. Be sure to treat any fabric pots and the top layer of soil. Once you have them you are likely to always have them. I treat on GP because I’ve had them in the past.


So has she moved out? :rofl:


To my understanding, you need to break the life cycle of these bastards. That means repeated applications. I would repeat the regimen you just finished again - maybe for a total of 3 weeks (in veg or very early flower) should do it. Then a once a week (at least) IPM program should keep them at bay.

  1. Break the life cycle.
  2. Preventative action trumps curative action. Every time.

Tag me if you need pest management solutions that can be used in flowering - I’ve got a few recipes in my journal that I can copy over.


Haha, no im using goats milk and it don’t stink, got rid off the other pesticides, all clones safe in spare bedroom


Recently made my own lactobacillus culture for spraying on the plants. I imagine they have similar uses/effects.

Done thread-jacking


Bugs are their main diet…I’m wondering if there’s a bug they eat that’s not harmful to your girls. Put some pebbles in your water lid so they can sit and drink, not drown. And yes, flowers for the sugars they need
Good luck with the mites :v::green_heart:

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I’ve learned tips and tricks from friends ive met from parts of the world that dont have fertz and pesticides, my buddy from Guatemala and oxaxca both very underdeveloped places grow great herb without Store bought pesticides or fertilizers, im kicking the habit on relying on them either. I just dont know the science behind it, i just know it works


I provided a sugar water soaked paper towel on a plate on the tent floor. This will provide a safe water/food source. After my grow was done, I took the tent outside to release them all.

I now recommend OMRI listed AzaMax, because it breaks their life cycle. I tried all of the above with varying results, but they always returned.


The active ingredient is the same as found in Neem meal / Oil…Hmm


Would love to have them posted here in case I or others need them



Same but different


And I though herding cats was difficult
Lady bugs got that beat by a mile

Put a hundred or two (counted them) yea right
Get to work ladies

Mixed some bee pollen granules with water and soaked some Scott towels and put that in a couple areas and sprayed the plants with water.


Like @AAA said. Use that shit and it’ll kill them in contact and you don’t have to worry about destroying flowers or any toxin. It’s been trialed and true for decades.

Those are white flies, not spider mites. I had those too but they were all gone. If you grow indoor, it will be easier to control. Spray every leaves top to bottom and try to hit under the leaves. Don’t believe @AAA, unless you’re masochist like him and stay down wind when you spray. Also wear gloves especially when you pound them.