Spider mites...my battle plan

Thanks @Ning

Is there a recipe to go by to make it?

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I can’t copy the link to paste in with my phone. I’m out of town. Search old tread with ‘Safe insecticide. ‘, ‘organic pesticide’. I write recipe in details in a few threads.


If you want to save it the easiest way without any chemicals, then the CO2 method works the fastest with the highest probability of success with no I’ll effective to you buds. I will elaborate a little, so it can give you food for thought. Cover plant in plastic sheet, and flood to specific spec 45 minutes to kill all spiders mites in one process, yet I would repeat by no later than the 5th day. From that point forward you have broken their reproductive cycle, so your problem is solved. I can give you the exact numbers, but I have tried everything to rid the pestilence. This is the fastest,least time killer, and highest probability of success with no effect on buds. Good luck on your decision, and hopefully you make a well informed decision very quickly.


@Skydiver, I just wanted to add a couple more bits of info. Not plastic!!! A tent will work, closet, and it doesn’t need to be leak proof when adding CO2 to kill them. You add s little more to keep your level at, or above 12,000 parts per million. I would work with a friend or family member your first time, so you can stay hypervigilent. Good night


Never heard of co2 poisoning pests! Interesting…


Thanks for that info. I had read somewhere awhile back something about using C02 for that.

Any ideas on a meter that would read that high as mine only goes to 3,000 ppm max.

Also I would need to buy a filled tank and regulator? I don’t have any of that nor looked into that much.

Thanks again

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That will definitely do the job


Mite treatment

One oz Rosemary oil

One oz Peppermint oil

Two oz Neem oil

One oz Dawn original

2 cups warm water

Mix in jar and let settle a bit. Then add to one gallon for 4% solution or two gallons for 2% solution.

Check out the YouTube video linked below for method. I had a really bad infestation and two treatments at 5 day interval worked really well for me. Total eradication of the rat bastards.


Thank you

Here is link to recipe


Great, you found it! Thanks. If you don’t have mortar and pestle, it’s ok to grind it in blender. Just pulverize it well to release all the oil in herbs. Crushing in mortar and pestle will release more efficiently without pulverize it to pulp that will clog your spray tube later. So if you use blender, strain it well or it’ll ruin you spray hose.

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Welcome @Beek, and thanks for your info on mite extermination, but @Skydiver is in the budding stage, and your concoction would work. The issue would be the taste would be very rank, so he would probably throw it into the firepit before trying to smoke again. Skydiver where you live there has to be a Gas Supply Company relatively close to your Domicile. You are intelligent, so I don’t want to take this wrong. The addition is to those that will go to their propane exchange where they take their mini tank when the BBQ Grill runs out of gas. A gas distribution company that sells the full gamet of Gases like Nitrogen, Acetylene, Hydrogen, ect. They will ask for a deposit on the cylinder, and it will cost you a out $2. - $3 Dollars in Nitrogen to kill them all, but you must break the reproductive cycle the little B@$%@×&$ leave behind ready to hatch in approximately 5 days. Repeat process again, and you will implement the process when it happens again down the road. I wouldn’t waste money on buying another meter. You are going to have a cylinder of Nitrogen, so Flood the tent/enclosure because you will have plenty left over no matter what because it only takes 45 minutes to kill. In addition, your plant is going to be very happy with a high concentration of N. One last thing that I emphasize is even a Genius makes mistakes, so use strict protocol/have someone there during the extermination. As you know it’s a odorless gas, and it kills more proficiently than running a tube from the exhaust of a car to the cab with a person inside. It’s Nitrogen, and it works very well. I always tell everyone when I give a suggestion to never take another person’s advice before doing a little Homework/Research. Google my suggestion, and read about what I emplore you to do. Don’t drag your feet on riding them from your plant, so good luck on your conundrum.


Thanks everyone for posting suggestions solutions and all!

One of my goals besides eradication of the spider mites was to have a thread that had many options not only for me but for others who find themselves in the same situation where one thread covers options very well and as far as I can tell this one has a great collection of ideas and discussions and I thank you all for helping.

On a lighter note here is some girls on girl action lol

Go ahead zoom in
I know you wanna

The tent that is infested is my veg tent but there is one Auto in there maybe 2-3 weeks from harvest.
Of all the plants in there the ones I haven’t seen any mites on are the flowering Jack H and Winnie the Poo grown in worm poo :poop:
She’s a runt but is solid lol

The mites I see walking up and down the tie downs have diminished substantially since putting the lady bugs in last night and some more today. Will let this run a few more days. It’s fun watching them do their thing. I am able to leave the side flap open and not have them fly out into the darkened room. They head towards the light :bulb: instead of the dark.

Thanks again all and with the plans of attack to kill them you’ve all provided it shall be done :white_check_mark:

I’ll update as things process


Welcome to ILGM @Beek! :v:


Yes thanks @Beek and welcome to the forum. Great peeps and great info!

Thanks for the recipe as I have all the ingredients. Probably won’t use Dawn after reading the ingredients awhile back. My X and I had a dog groom shop. She ran it and I lost my money letting her lol.
Anyway diluted dawn and water was the first step washing them to immediately kill and fleas on them. Amazing how instant that was…BAM
So not sure if say Bonner’s soap or Castile soap would do the same? She always said only dawn.

Anyway it’s in my toolbox :toolbox:

Thanks again and HAGD


Thanks for the instructions and words of caution.

Can you clarify between your post using C02 and the following using nitrogen just wanna be clear on which compressed gas I would need.

If I had what I needed right this moment I would deploy it…after I got my brother over here first … wink :wink:

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Man this was the best $10 spend in a long time.
Better than TV
Go Ladybugs :lady_beetle: go
they getting some medicine too


I apologize to @Skydiver, for confusing you. Use Nitrogen to kill the Spider Mites, and not Corbon Dioxide C02. It was a typo induced by my mind thinking metaphorically how it works in the same manner as a person killing themselves using a gas from the tailpipe to deplete the air quality in the cab to kill. I can be confusing, so here’s possibly a better example to drive it home the dynamic of killing the destructive S%^+s. Using a high concentration of Nitrogen you are taking away the air quality for them to live, and your plant will be in ecstasy for the 45 minute initial dose to kill all the mites, Furthermore, in 5 days the eggs will hatch. You will then repeat the exact process to kill the new borns before they are old enough to produce eggs, therefore, you will completely eradicate them from your buds with a 100% success rate. If you decide to implement this process, then you need to be hypervigilent even with the clothes you are wearing during initial treatment. Please message me, so I can elaborate more on protocol to follow down to putting your shirt, shoes,pants, ect.in initial gassing to kill any possible hitchhikers that have offspring in them. I hope you make a decision that works best for you, and it works well. Good Evening


Ladybugs work great, but fly away after eating. The offspring will rear its head, but they bought you precious time & limited the damage to your plant. That was a good call as a temporary solution.


I don’t have messaging feature or I would
Thanks for the clarification
Hopefully the lady bugs will be happy enough to lay eggs? And the larvae eat the eggs and I believe the mites too.
Will be mixing up some Ning-Icide hot dam bug killer tomorrow and will apply that.
I had also ordered some Azamax several days ago and will try that as another prong in the attack if needed.

If that fails than I still have Nitrogen saturation and the essential oils recipe.

This is a great process for me anyway going through the various treatments and their effects on the mites.
Gotta break the cycle for sure.

Go Lady bugs
Hope the Ning-Icide hot dam bug killer doesn’t mess with them tomorrow.