Soil Slurry Numbers

@Ickey funny. You mentioned organic roots on a thread I started. Then I started looking back at all my soil purchases and what the final results looked like and damn if I didn’t use organic roots original on my Blueberry Glue and Mimosa Lemon Haze run. Here were the outcomes.
The one hanging is the Blueberry the other 2 pics are the Mimosa.


Just keep in mind too that you want to choose one or the other. Either soil or coco. They each require a different pH to maintain and by mixing them you would have a world of problems. Youre in good hands with @Spiney_norman and @MidwestGuy suggestions i just wanted to make sure you were clear about this. :v:


I can buy it locally for 15 bucks. Stuff is cheaper without the need for shipping and I like supporting local shops. One place has a good buy on course perlite.
They carry it branded and unbranded in large bags.

Because Missouri is a legal state with homegrow allowed, many businesses have added grow supplies. Even Sutherlands and Orschelns now carry Fox Farms products and other stuff. Lots of competition makes for good prices.


I went shopping not long ago for perlite and couldn’t find any as everyone said it was out of season. Thanks for sharing this. Not sure why i didn’t think to look here online, i get everything else this way. :rofl:


Yes I also prefer local, but when you have to travel 40 miles it becomes a matter of dollars. I do feel much better about Walmart bringing me something with free shipping, than I would Amazon. But that just my silly ass.
The Walmart Canna coco recommend was for a double 40 cu ft. This was enough for me to do four large AutoPot for two grows.


I hear ya there, around 35 miles to Springfield for me to get some stuff. But I have to go there anyway for doctor visits and stuff a couple times a month so I just plan ahead.
But 70 or 80 miles round trip would add about the same amount as shipping.
I order stuff online all the time as the price is sometimes better even with shipping than local stores. You just have to look and do whats best.



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I just swerved into the Roots Original soil, it came with a complete grow kit for a small tent from HTG about five years ago. During the first grow with this kit. An out of state friend, who grows and supplies to dispensaries, came for a visit. Of course I had to show him my little grow, and of course he started giving advice. One of the things recommended was Roots Original, and I told that’s what I am using.

He said “That’s great, I think my partner just ordered four pallets of it.”

Kinda made me realize why the supply chain loves the commercial grower. Also realized why the supply chain tries so hard to oversell the small and new grower. It is all about sales volume and profit margins. I not criticizing the system here, but just saying buyer beware.


Yeah, I just ordered 2) 1.5 cu. for 75.00 through Amazon. They come in 2) 10 gall bags that you can grow in. Of course I divide it into 4) 5 gall bags. Still a bit or close to Fox Farm.


Ok, so I’ve attached some screenshots, because idt I can link anything in here, from a petstore stating 21L for $8. Now 21L is equal to 46lbs, right? Could I use this???

The way that coco is processed makes a difference. Not sure about types for other uses. I would stay with brands for growing like Canna, Fox Farms, or Roots if ordering. Or get it from a from a grow shop.

May I suggest that if you are serious about going with coco. Consider also going with Jacks 321 or Mills Nutrients. Both are very easy to use and will give your plants everything they need. Check out GrowGreenMi dot com. You can get the small Jacks Jack Attack with parts A&B for about $47, and add a bag of epsom salts for $ 24 and you will get free shipping. Or you can get a starter kit for Mills for $85. The Mills is more expensive when you buy more, but it comes with a little liquid silica. I would recommend adding a little silica with the Jacks as well.

GrowGreenMi is a good source for coco and soil as well.


I appreciate the input. I use General Hydroponics Products and have already purchased all I’ll need for this grow. That’s why this whole dirt thing has me so bummed as I’d purchased 7 very large bags, 2 man carry size, prior to germinating and it turned out to be bad dirt and now I need to move faster than light to replace it with something I can afford. Not an easy task.

What makes you think the dirt was bad?

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Ok. What about this stuff here? I can get 14 bags delivered for $38 +Tax and the girl said I’d only need 1 bag per 2- 1x1x1’pots, bit they are a wholesaler so I would feel bad only ordering 4 bags.

Just that my couple of lower leaves had come yellow and the slurry tests were very high. Something is amiss.

There was a tread on that Coco Loco a while back. It is not a pure coco. It is a soil blend, and seems to be close to the same ingredients as Roots Original. Maybe good stuff but need to be treated as a soil grow.


@ShureGreen It just occurred to me that since you already have a month invested in the plants. It maybe easier for you and the plants to stay with soil. And wait until you start new seeds to go with coco. Any good soil made for cannabis with your GH nutrients should do fine.
After transplanting just adjust water or nutrients to a ph of 6.5. In meantime you can put a few drops of lemon juice in the water. If you can read the ph of the water shoot for 5.5 to 6.0.

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Ok. Makes sense. So can I not flush this soil and just use it? I’m about to do a proper slurry tests, now that I have a gallon of distilled water and won’t be making my own. Heck I could have easily screwed that up, you know. Regardless though, something caused those leaves to yellow like they did. I gotta figure that out and fix it before I can move on. -Karen

So here’s what I’m gonna do… I’ma take 1/3 the existing soil out if each pot and mix it with new Scott’s TopSoil and Perlite. Then I will do a slurry test on each pot and see what I get. If all is good to go then I will transplant my gals into the new mix until I get paid and can add new dirt. If all is not well, then I’ma wind up losing them all anyway, so at least I’m prepared and I have a $79 credit here toward new seeds to restart with. -Karen

Ps: why 5.5-6pH? Everything I’ve read and what I strived to keep it at last grow was 6.5-7.5? -K

Even better… Last crops dirt. If it’s clean. It’s still in their bags on my kitchens porch. And I KNOW it’s good dirt, 100%. Can’t believe after walking past it 10x today I’m just now thinking of it. :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers: