Soil Slurry Numbers

Hi Again Forum Folks. So I just did a Soil Slurry on my 7 pots. Each one is right around 7.58. Is this ok? Or no? If no, what can I do to correct it? Flush? My girls are only Seedlings still and idky the soil would by high. All I’ve done was to spray them with ph’d water. Thanks. -Me

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Honestly, I think I should just start over tomorrow. Get some fresh water and see what’s what. I did the Slurry several times on each, but with the same samples, and the numbers are all over the place. I had deionized, or whatevered, the water myself so I will go get some actual distilled water tomorrow and we shall see. I’m just so bummed about it all this time. I feel like I’m going to lose them all before they even get started. I hate it, hate it, and hate it some more. And these tests were done with half soil from each pot and half new Top Soil, well blended, because TS is all I have after the worm debacle until next month when I can get some fresh Potting Mix. I think what I should do is fix this mix I have, if tomorrow’s results are similar, and then put them into different pots with the mix I am testing. Get them out of the dirt that is so high ph. I just can’t figure it though. As far as why it’s so high. I did calibrate my meter. I bought the wrong stuff to do it but still had a pack of 4.00 that came with the meter. Anyways, what do you guys think of all this chatter I’m putting out? -Me


Equal parts of distilled water and equal part soil taken from around the root zone. Stir and let it rest for at least 30 minutes, stir and strain through a coffee filter and test :love_you_gesture:


Thanks. Yeah, I know how to do the test itself, I don’t know how to fix the soil with a ph around 7.60 or if it needs fixed at all. As far as whether I should change the soil out completely or if I should flush it and if so do I flush with ph water or plain water or distilled or what? Those are my questions. -Me

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@ShureGreen, that’s my wife’s name also. Just adjust your water or nutrient solution to to 6.0 for a couple times, and then go to 6.5. Are all of the slurry test on the high side? If so this would indicate that there maybe some lime in your soil. The lime is pulling the ph up, but it will also keep it stable when you get the ph to drop some. Don’t feel bad slurry test can be difficult, and it is best to take several test then average the reading.

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How old are the plants Grow Sis, what type of soil are you using. A good cannabis friendly medium that’s been amended typically buffer the PH :love_you_gesture:


Tagging a great soil guy for assistance @MidwestGuy any advice. @Budbrother is widely versed in all grow types :love_you_gesture:


Yes, I did indeed do the tests several times for an average. The low end is 7.37, the high is 7.61. Those aren’t super high, but as I said, that’s AFTER I mixed in new Top Soil with the existing mix of TS and Potting Mix and into separate pots. Because I felt I might need to flush the soil and the gals are only like a month in, and are very sick, yellow. Bottom up. I clipped the dead off of them and they don’t even look like plants at all now. I am shocked they made it through the night. I use the Lowe’s brand Mix and Scott’s TS. Except this time, the mix I got, 6 of 7 bags each had a different kind of worm infestation. I wound up using half a bag with the red wigglers, pretty sure I got them all out. And half a bag had 3 giant maggots in it. Then put in extra Perlite to dehydrate any I may have missed and any eggs present. I’ve not seen any more the rest of it is outside and Lowe’s refunded my money. I wonder if that could be the problem? Tough broads though, they are. As were the last ones.

I think this answers both most recent responses. And I hate to even show them, but I guess I can’t expect help if I don’t, so here’s a photo…

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Honestly, I was hoping that once the soil was dry enough to water with straight ph water, they would be ok, but the darn soil just won’t seem to dry. Feels pretty dry to touch but 3 meters say wet, wet, and wetter, so idk. I didn’t fleel I could wait any longer before doing something. They been like this for a week now.

Thanks. Take all the help I can get.

I put another big long response up and I think I covered that there. My comments are so lengthy I hate to key it all twice. Lol!

She must be an amazing human.

Anyway, i have a lot on my plate today and need to get on it. I will check back in this evening. Thanks y’all - Me

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Well most of the soils that come from Lowe’s is not desirable. I would recommend using Roots Original soil. Your plants look stressed due to ph. But don’t look like they are really ready to die yet, so you have some time. At the size of them I would definitely transplant to a better soil. A lot of members like Fox Farms brand, but I have read about some ph issues with that brand. But it seems that issues with FF soil is not being reported as much nowadays. Maybe FF has corrected it by now.

In the meantime you should focus on insuring that your ph meter is reading correctly. Can you just put that meter in the 4.0 solution, without putting it in calibration mode? It should read very close to 4.0. I picked up a BlueLab cleaner and calibration kit at a good price last week. I will sent you a picture of at in a little while.


I agree. To me it looks like the very most beneficial thing you can do right now would be getting them into a cannabis friendly soil. Fox farm happy frog is a great soil for this stage as its not too hot and wont need any nutrients for 4-6 weeks. Making our own soil or using soil that doesnt start out cannabis friendly is another whole animal in itself. Theres a lot to it. Make it easy starting out and get a good soil you can have success with. :v:

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@ShureGreen, I like the cigarette butt in the first picture.
Speaking of the wife and cigarettes.
“If your wife can operate a log splitter with a Marlboro hanging from her mouth, you might be a redneck.”


Used sparingly this could bring a stubbornly alkaline soil back in range.
But it may be just as easy to buy fresh cannabis friendly soil.
Coco solves a lot of the pH chasing problems. I wont look back on soil.


Funny you say that, it’s a Winston instead and we hitting the back forty in about a hr or so with chainsaw and log splitter in tow hehehe


@Bentstick, Log splitter are great. That and the Gator can make quick work out of a load of firewood.
I picked up a new wood maul for camping last summer, and the heck with that thing. Don’t know how I used swing one those for hours.


Spent half my childhood swinging one of those babies. Still do every once in a great while now if we just need some campfire wood. Dad used to heat the house with wood. We laugh about it now but my brother and i would stand out there in the snow and pray sometimes that damn chainsaw wouldnt start. :rofl: