Reusing Hermie Seeds

I did a grow. Of ILGM Do-Si-Dos autoflowers they turned out huge, excellent smoke, fantastic smell flavor five star the whole way through.

Towards the end I decided to super crop as it was just too big in the tent. It sent the girls immediately into super overdrive stress mode. Just before harvest one of the plants decided she wanted to hermie out and produce seeds.

I’ve done a little research on reusing Hermie seeds. My findings were if the seeds hermied do to stress late in flower that the seeds would reproduce all of its original characteristics

Feminized, autoflowering, and non-Hermie buds. Ect…

Has anyone have any experience in this? I hope you don’t mind but I’m going to tag a few members

@MidwestGuy @Autos-only @OGIncognito @Covertgrower @kaptain3d


I’ve heard it said over and over again that seeds resulting from a hermie plant genetically carry the hermie trait forward and the plants have a higher probably of becoming a hermie. That said, I’ve not seen any research that supports the claim.


Thank you my friend and Merry Christmas


I heard/read the same as @MidwestGuy:thinking: :nerd_face:

Merry Christmas Madame @Lostgirl :partying_face:


Thanks Kap and Merry Christmas to you as well :christmas_tree:


Genetics cant be altered by stress. If a man gets chemo therapy and loses his hair and then has children the hair loss probability is not genetically passed on to the the children, it would be the same as it was before. If cannabis hermies because of stress and makes seeds, those seeds will only be as prone to hermie as the original plant was. If the plant was prone to herm with little stress, then that trait is passed on. If it took a large amount of stress to herm the plant, then the seeds it produces will carry that trait.


Thanks @Spiney_norman
Merry Christmas


I’m on my 5 th run with seed from a herm cross and no signs of herm in any so far.
I haven’t grown out any of the selfed seed tho. That one hermied early in flower and I didn’t want to chance growing them.
Pretty sure that one was in the genes to begin with.


I agree with mid west, I think the only reason you would have a higher probability of hermie is because the original plant did and had it in its genes already and it will be passed down.
It’s like a clone in seed form, it’s good and bad traits will be passed down.

Merry Christmas everyone!


All plants carry the potential to hermie. Some hermie easier than others. If stress caused it from super cropping and it wasn’t caused by too much light or over maturity I probably wouldn’t want to run it again. It’s likely the plants resulting from the seeds will have the same stress threshold. If you like to train, and that training you did brought out male genes I would check it off the list of what not to run.

Up to you on whether or not you want to risk it… lot of things to consider, other plants around? Do you care about seeds? Do you care about yield?


Basically I was curious. I have so many good seeds there’s no need to take the risk in my opinion. My oldest son was asking me just for curiosity.

I probably still have about 25 of the really good seeds for that strain. Despite the plant Hermie at the end, the weed is fire. I took 50% of it and made an ounce of hash that’s also one hit fire. Thanks for the reply Low. Merry Christmas


Merry Christmas


My perspective is the same as MidwestGuy and low’s.

I recommend growing them out. Grow them out at a different cycle from the rest, so flowering of the seeds that cost money are unaffected.

When growing them out, there are risks of getting the same result, as long as you’re aware of that, I say give it a shot.

Merry Christmas!:christmas_tree::gift: Lostgirl


Thanks @Covertgrower Merry Christmas


@Low @MidwestGuy
So, i harvested one of my girls today. I found 7 total seeds throughout the whole plant. On the plus side, i got seeds for the future. On the other, i got seeds, not normal is it? Should i be greatly concerned, moving forward, about anything?


this specific post came to mind.

this guy explained something about hermie seeds that made so much sense, it literally blew my mind. gave me a whole new perspective on herm seeds. great knowledge


This is what she looked like before chop. Forgot to show this in previous post.

@MidwestGuy @Low


wow, looks greener than a golf course. simply amazing :clap:


Thank you @Hershy420. Means a lot coming from you. Much appreciated.


Hey @PhatPat you know the potential risks. Of getting seeds here and there doesn’t bother you I’d say go for it. :call_me_hand:t3: