Ordering Soil and Ferts for 1st Grow

I was looking at ordering FoxFarm Happy Frog and Ocean Forest and blending those.

For nutes I was going to order a trio of BigBloom, GrowBig, and TigerBloom.

Are these good for a beginner or do you have any better advice?

I will be getting a TDS/pH tester for sure.


@scryptic Howdy!
Where are you growing? Indoor or Outdoor?
What size containers?
Do you have any products your refuse to use? Just to help others that want to chime in.

FWIW-I am outdoor, and organic. I use primarily dry ferts with additions of Aloe Vera flakes, and coconut water. I top dress, and I use living soil(recipe 420 soil as the foundation). I reuse my soil,and also grow cover crops in the container also. I am 25 gallon rainscience bags, and automated watering. Automated watering was a game changer for me. Inside or out, it helps. But that could be once you get other parts of your op going.
Happy growing! :pray:
SL out.


You’re starting off simple and that’s key!! No need to complicate things. Start your seeds in Happy Frog and transplant into FFOF, as it tends to be a hot soil. What size pots?


Indoor, either single 15 gallon or multiple smaller containers. Could I fit multiple plants in this space?

3x6x7 sloping to 4ft in the back

Super Silver Haze and Granddaddy Purple but not sure if growing strains separately would be best.


the ideal area for a 5 gallon pot is usually a 2x2 area per plant.
just kinda a general idea of what to expect, a 15 gal might be bit big for that grow space.
i always suggest jacks 321 for nutes, definitely look into it.

great soil choice.
im not a fox farm guy but ive seen nothin but mostly good results with it on this forum.
i use purple cow indicanja soil, great results. feel free to check out my grow if u wanna see some results from it
coco/perlite is a second option when growing indoors

look into all of it, do ur research pick what u think will work best for u and maybe find a mentor to walk u through the grow who uses the same stuff and has some good grows under their belts from it.

depending on climate of the space u are growing in
u may wanna invest in a hygrometer (they are cheap for mini ones u can hang in ur grow space) to monitor temp and humidity in ur grow space.
depending on those numbers, could need other equipment such as dehumidifiers, ac stuff like that.
keep that in mind as far as grow space goes.

well that all the advice i can come up with off the top of my head
good luck growmie!


@scryptic What size are your smaller containers? A 15 in that space may take up a lot of space. Since you are just starting out-go a little smaller. That SSH may stretch and that can be a problem.
@Hershy420 I was typing my message when yours came through. Let me shut up :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

SL out.


@Hershy420 I will go with 5 gallon containers then and try for 2 plants. I’ll definitely look into Jacks321 thank you. I’ll be buying a Vivosun inline with a built-in hygrometer as well as a PAR meter with RH feature

@Slug_Life thank you for the heads up. So the difference between sativa and indica would be problematic or were you talking in relation to pot size? Should I look at ordering different strains? Super Sour Diesel?

1 Like

Your grow space reminds me of “the shining”… ill throw a loop in your idea. First grow, wanting simple? 100% organic. Dry amendments. 10 gallon pot enough nutes for 45 days. Using dry amendments you feed every 30 days during veg and every 2 to 3 weeks in flower…


@scryptic I was initially thinking of you and the 15. But since you are going smaller, you have some wiggle room to play with-Indica or Sativa.

@ChittyChittyBangin :+1: The best inside joke would be the blonde girl’s big wheel just hanging by itself in the corner :rofl:
Let me stop.
SL out.


In a 3x6 space , 1st grow, do 2 10 gallon fabric pots. LST the plant to cover the circumference of the pot, then let her shoot for the stars!


I used to have a big wheel… 1​:rofl::rofl::rofl:


@ChittyChittyBangin I will order some 10 gallon fabric pots then. Thank you for the guidance. I’ll be running this light unless you think I need more. It’s described as covering that much sq feet.

SONOFARM SF4000 LED Grow Light, Indoor Grow Lamp for Plants, Veg to Flower Bloom, Dimmable & Daisy Chain, 4x4 5x5 Grow Tent, Full Spectrum LM301B Diodes and Meanwell Driver https://a.co/d/1zbYxxv


This is an example of LST

This is a strawberry cough in a 10 gal


Buying a quality light is like buying a quality car. Some like Ford while others like Chevy. The light you have picked out would be substantial for your space. I personally use HLG. They just came out with a new light that would work for you also.

I have an HLG600r, HLG350r, and a HLG320XL in my room.


@ChittyChittyBangin so that 325 Max would work even though it would be at least 4x4 flowering? Just wondering since they say 3x3


@scryptic it would be good for 2 healthy plants


I would suggest running 3 plants in 3 gallon pots grow Bro :love_you_gesture:


@ChittyChittyBangin @OGIncognito @Hershy420

What’s the word on these auto watering pots?

They’re 7.5 gallons with a 1.5 gallon base.

Would I be better off sticking with 10 gallon fabric pots or would these be better since the grow is a few miles from where I live?


Thats gonna be a an @OGIncognito question. Hes familiar with autopots where i am not.


I’m not familiar with that brand Grow Bro, I use auto pots, basically the same concept except the auto pot has a 12 gallon and larger res :love_you_gesture: