So I’m getting set up to grow. Indoor. Have everything figured out but soil. Was planning on using Happy Frog with some extra perlite and dolomite lime. Suggestions or tips? For autoflowers btw.
Welcome to the community ! With the Happy Frog plan on using some veg nutes about 4 weeks in. PH water up until then. Good luck with your new venture.
@Druiddescent; Welcome to the community. @Druiddescent; @kellydans has you covered.
I’m gonna try the cultivation nation 2 part soluble veggie and bloom nutes. So my soil mix will be good? Thank you! Hope to be on here a lot. Gonna start with blueberry auto
Blueberry good choice, love the finished product.
Why add dolomite lime? Ocean Forest is already suppose to be in the correct pH range, so you don’t need it for that. If you want the calcium and magnesium I would add it if and when needed, but not sure I’d want that mixed into my soil starting out because it could mess up the pH and would be significantly harder to correct then a deficiency later.
So if I use happy frog fox farms soil only? And add nutrients later? This is the part im not sure of yet lol thank you for the advice
You can use happy frog or ocean forest. Both from Fox Farms, both formulated for growing pot. The ocean forest has more nutrients and can take you further through the grow before needing to feed the plant. Happy Frog has extra bacteria and fungus in the soil which is suppose to be good for roots, but you can add that to any soil.
Happy Frog is a little less expensive. You will eventually need more potting soil so why not get a bag of each. Best of both worlds. Start your seeds in happy frog, transplant them into ocean forest when the time comes.
The bigger the pot, the longer you can go without the need to feed, but at some point you will need to invest in a nutrient line.
I’m gonna germinate and plant in pot. Also will use cultivation nation 2 part soluble nutrients. So maybe mix 50/50 with happy frog and ocean forest?
Oh heck, why not make you get your hands dirty. Put ocean forest in the bottom and gradually increase the ratio of happy frog to ocean forest until 100% happy frog is on top.
Me? I just use open forest and a little seed starter covering the seed if germinating into it’s final pot. I use the seed starter primarily to help the seedling loose it’s shell, seems to be the right amount of resistance. I’ve lost a few seedlings to too much resistance, and the seedling can’t come up, or killing the roots trying to peel the shell off when the shell doesn’t fall off by itself.
I haven’t used happy frog in a long time. I also don’t seem to have a problem with ocean forest being too hot for seedlings like others apparently do.
That was my worry. I seen a lot of people say that ocean forest is too hot.