Is Happy Frog soil good for autos

I’m getting ready to start some autos from Barney Farms and not sure what soil?! Looking for recomendations

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Happy Frog is totally fine for autos. Ocean Forest is a little hot, but HF is good.

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I use happy frog and then transplant to ocean forest personally


Yea that’s what I thought

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I also thought it’s good to start them in their final pot from start?


I think that’s recommended, but I haven’t had any problems. After I transplant, ocean farm carries the nutrients for a month

Most plant the seed after sprouting in something small for the first 2 weeks, like a solo cup or similar. Then when time to transplant they go to the final pot.

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I use only happy frog and autos only additive from Amazon.
I goofed up this run compared to the half pound I got off the last 2 auto plants.


I use happy frog mixed with happy frog fruit and flower 4-9-3. And I also transplant from solo cup with zero issues. Water only for the first 6 weeks. Easy, cheap, and effective.


I grow Autos in 3 gallon fabric pots with Happy Frog soil. I plant the sprouted seed directly in the final pot. I don’t feed until about week 5. I have been happy with the results.


I use Happy frog for my autos. They love it you don’t have to do anything but water for the first 5 weeks. There’s no need to waste money and buy other soil. I grow them from seed to harvest with absolutely no problems whatsoever in just Happy Frog.

I do add 10%, buffered coco coir to the Happy Frog for a perfect drainage and excellent root control.

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My 2 cents lol

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I have been going right to the final pot but a guy on here that sounds like he’s been around says solo cup so I’m going to try. I noticed he cut the cup off really nice?

do you care about the ph and ppm right off the bat I have bushdoctor co-co and run off from the bag is 5’000. I tried making my own with pure co-coir and worm casings and the run off is 3,000?

I do t check ppms or ph unless i have an issue

I grew half a pound in my first grow using Hapoy Frog, used it ever since with no issues.

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hf works. imo, dirt is dirt. just make sure that once you buy something you do some quick research to know how hot it is (hot = how much plant food already exists in it). you’ll be adding nutrients in any case, so really it’s just about knowing when to start doing that (because the plant ate what was available).

Ocean forest smoked my seedlings, I’m new, so … just my opinion based on multiple failed attempts.

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