Newbie first time

Hello everyone. First time posting so here it goes. I’ve read a lot over the past week or so. Maybe the answer to my post is already in this forum but this is my first attempt. I’m in SC so no shortage of sun or humidity. Going to be outdoors in pots so I can move them, if necessary. I have a little bit of land, so I do have privacy. Not expecting to have 20 footers my first try! Only doing a few seeds, so relatively small attempt. Understand about PH and watering. I’ve read so much about soil prep, but was wondering if there was a simple store bought soil I can use without getting to technical at this time. I’ll learn along the way as I encounter problems. Thanks for your help.


A lot of growers use FF Happy Frog for & FF Ocean. Happy Frog is good for seedlings & ocean is too hot for babies. After they have grown some the ocean is fine. There is also a recipe for super soil here with no need for nutes. I use promix which isnt soil so i have to feed nutes immediately. Also you need to bake your soil before using.
Welcome to forum & Happy Growing!! :herb:


So does the Happy Frog give you the nitrogen and then switching to Ocean gives you the phosphorus that is necessary? At what size would you transplant and where do you buy these products? By the way, hello and thanks for your help!


Welcome to ilgm, grower! Lots of good stuff around here…

Look into kind soil. @SilentHippie can help if you have???

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Think “timed release”. A properly constructed soil will have everything from start to finish. Ocean Forest is simply too rich for seedlings which have everything they need for the first two weeks.

A little research will point you to a few choices but the FF products are PH buffered for Cannabis. A lot of soils available are not. You end up with numerous deficiencies and chase the PH through your entire grow. Best to go with what works. KIND soil is a great choice if you have time to let it do it’s thing.


Welcome to the forum! I think you have great info so far, let us know if you have more questions.

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Hello and thanks. Just wondering, following germination and planting, I read to follow this with 18 hrs of bright light followed by 6 hrs of darkness. Would a 100W bulb directly above them be sufficient? Thanks


It should be. I would recommend putting a dome over the top of your seedlings for the first week or so; the plants collect all of their moisture from the air and absorb it through the leaves until a tap root is established. One or two teaspoons per day of distilled water is all you’ll need. Use a seed starting medium (that has no nutrients) and give it only water until the little round leaves start to yellow (cotyledons). Feed 1/4 strength is using coco or peat, no nutes if using good soil. FFOF will provide everything the plants need until flower.

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What kind of bulb? And is it 100 watt bulb or suppose to be equivalence to 100 watt incandescent?

100W household bulb. Didn’t want to spend too much seeing how these are going outside. What do I need to get me by?? Thanks

I’m an indoor grower but I use a water only soil called Kind soil. Check out their website and see if it suits your needs. I think it’s a great way for beginners, like myself, to have success while learning about growing. Thanks for the tag @hornhead

So what type of indoor light or bulb do I need to get from post germination to planting outdoors??