Help needed for this Newbie!

Hey guys! :wave: im a beginner about to embark on this journey. Im wondering what soil is the best to use and any information or help to get my girls off to their best starts possible. This would be greatly appreciated.


i use indicanja living organic soil, works wonders for me if ur goin soil route, a lot of ppl use mother earth or fox farm, or there is many different good ones
most good ones have enough nutrients for a month so u wont have to worry about anything but watering it until its good into vegetation

after a month, look into jack’s nutrients


Ok awesome. :+1: thanks for your input. I’ll check these options out. Do you have to add anything to your soil like coco loco or anything or is the soil that you use built properly for aeration?


I just use organic promix. It has nothing in it so I use nutes early on. A lot of people use happy frog to start or mix w/ ocean forest. I mix perlite to help with drainage.
Good luck to you.

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the soil i use, u can plant the seed right into the soil after germination and it grows great, no additives needed

these are my plants currently using just that soil

for the first 4 weeks after it sprouts u just add water… after that 4 weeks is up, i start using jack’s 321 method for nutrients.
thats what i do, and it has epic results so far. :sunglasses:
wanna keep pH of the water used to water it around 6.5 pH


I might give this a try.

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I keep this saved for new growers. This works well for me. And it’s simple.

Get some fox farm happy frog soil, and solo cups. Moisten the soil, and fill the solo cup. Plant the seed directly into the soil (not very deep), spray a little water on it to settle the seed, and stick a baggie over the top to make a little greenhouse. Keep it warm, and it should break ground in about 3 or 4 days. Stick it under your light on low power, and don’t water until dry.
When seedling is as wide as the cup, transplant into pot of happy frog mixed with perlite, worm castings, and fox farm fruit and flower 4-9-3 per the instructions on the package. Then top dress with the fruit and flower after 6 weeks, then once a month after that. That’s it other than ph’ing your water. I do use a little kelp me kelp you during veg, and bio thrive bloom during flowering. Both organic as well.


Welcome to the community , lot of cannabis friendly soil on the market fox farm (happy frog or ocean forest) would be a good choice. Good luck :v:


Coast of Maine Stonington Blend will never steer you wrong.


I go against the grain and against others on here because I use the dreaded Miracle Grow… but I use the Organics 2X version which is their not so “hot” version.

MG is consistent (unlike some other organic brands) and gives me that extra kick mid way in the grow. The way I keep the “hotness” down in the early seedling stage is to NOT pH water. It won’t uptake as many nutes. I don’t pH the water for about 2.5 weeks after emergence.

This system I use with MG Organics and Jacks 321 after about 6 weeks produces consistent problem free results for me. Very repeatable and consistent results.

Good luck with whatever you choose. Can’t go wrong with the personal expertise from members on this forum.


I 2nd the Coast of Main Stonington blend! It was recommended to me and i have a plant growing in some right now that is growing better than any of them!


Happy Bday @MartyMarajuanaseed




Happy birthday @MartyMarajuanaseed have a good one.:+1:

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@MartyMarajuanaseed Happy Birthday!


I have just started the germination process. I put the seeds in the water for 48 hours (until the seeds grew a tail), then I just transplanted the seeds into individual planters, and now I have the light pointing down on the soil. I have a water sprayer to spray it twice a day as well.

My question is, how many hours of the day do I keep the light on the soil/plants? I don’t like to keep a light on overnight, is it OK to have the light on during the daytime and turn it off at night, or do the plants need 24-hour lighting at this stage?

Welcome to the forum.

Growers typically run their lights on for 18 hours per day and off for 6 hours.

Not a good idea to ever spray a cannabis plant with anything unless it is to treat bugs or mold. It invites more problems than it can possibly help.

Be careful to not overwater. Seedlings only need a few ml of water per day. Overwatering is the leading cause of seedling loss.