Hey, I make Moonshine and wondering what might be the result, if I drop all my sugar leafs into a jar?
You have lots of options. You can make green dragon juice, RSO, tincture… Pretty much anything you want. I have some trim that has been soaking in moonshine for about a couple weeks that I’m getting ready to filter and make some green dragon juice out of it.
Here a great journal. @blackthumbbetty is a Master chef with cannabis! I believe recently she was renamed to BlackThumbBettyCrocker by @Gremmall
Or susan… I think she prefers that
Is all ya got to do is filter it?
lol thats funny Betty crocker, and true im sure
Yes I filter mine first through cheesecloth and then I filter through two coffee filters. Sort of a double filtration LOL you’ll be surprised at what’s at the bottom of the coffee filter when you’re done. You can go to YouTube and search green dragon juice and there’s videos on it
Keep everything as cold as possible! After filtering, I recommend freezing for a day, then refiltering. The difference is insane. If you want all those lipids and stuff in your final product, then don’t do that, of course.
There are so many methods and techniques. I don’t recommend using any methods that require your extract to be subjected to high heat, but you can if that’s what you choose to do.
I don’t get too hung up on color, really, but I try to keep my extracts looking golden. Sometimes, if I’m rough with the herb, the extract gets green or black; if it’s extracted at room temps, using heat, the herb is ground too finely, or has soaked too long, it will also get dark. Still perfectly usable, it just has more chlorophyll and other stuff in it, and might have a slightly different taste.
QWET extracts are as simple or as complicated as you want to make them.
Here are pics of various extracts, after they’ve been filtered.
Here’s a Green Dragon-esque extract I did. I ground the trim down with a submersion blender so I could fit it all in 2 jars, then once I poured in the alcohol, I keep blending like a crazy women. I knew this would happen, but also knew potency wouldn’t be effected:
Frankly, though, I never deliberately try to make Green Dragon. If it comes out as Green Dragon, it usually means I screwed up somewhere. Still effective, just not very delicious.
So the boiling step you would not recommend? Just room temps and filtering freezing.
What boiling step? And, no, I do not recommend that.
And not room temp: ICE COLD.
Oh I just watched a video where they put the jar in a pan of boiling water for some reason. I’ll just do as you said and freeze it. Thanks for the clarification!
Wow Thank you from the pics and info!
@Missiles I have some green dragon in the process right now in jar about a month . I find it to be really good for relaxing and sleeping. My wife says she’s sleeps like a baby.
This will be the first time I try it actually. It’s stuff I had left over from another processing I did so instead of throwing it out I figured I’d use it again glad to hear your wife likes it!
actually this is my second batch, I used 151 rum, I had a lot of real sticky sugar leafs trimmed at the end I hated to throw out going to be interesting to see how the second batch turns out the first batch was good.
Definitely let me know how it turns out with the 151. I can’t get everclear here where I live so I had to find an independent moonshine distiller to get mine from.
You got it, I’m going to take @blackthumbbetty advice on double filtering.
Yes you definitely would want to do that. I found out especially with A long soak like I have done a lot of plant wax is Left behind also.
When I first started making tincture, I used 151. I definitely don’t use it, now. For a straight up, non-reduced alcohol tincture, it’s fine, but there are so many additives, including caramel coloring, that make it not the best for rso and such.