I don’t normally have so much trouble Determining the readiness of Tricount what do you guys think?
From what I see it looks like the beginning of the window. DO you want a heady feeling or a sedate feeling? If sedative it wanted you should wait for more amber, but right now it looks like THC is peaked or very close to peaking.
Glad I stopped typing to see your reply. I’m in agreement
Thanks for your input. I figured I’d quit watering for about three days and then go into dark for three days which will give it a bit more age but I was concerned that there was little Amber. The Dough so dough has a real good smell and is extremely sticky.
Thanks for your reply
If you don’t want lots amber, cut now. Trichomes continued age after being cut down.
A bit of Amber would be a good thing I believe it just seem to be taking so long to get any color. I like this cerebral aspect, but feel I have harvested a bit too early a couple of times in the past
You’ll get a bit of amber. Continue to age
Thank you