Is it true autoflowers yield 5-15oz?

Trust me, i completely understand.
That plant was a freaking Mutant.

I fim’d it, did some LST and just let it grow wild. I lollipopped her at 3 weeks into flower and defoliated a little bit.

Other than that, i bent over the tops, around 15 of the tallest stems, and just left it alone to do its thing.

It’s sister plant only gave up 8 ounces.

It really looked more like a sativa than anything.

I just hope it smokes good.


I totally agree with this statement and i don’t believe in inflating numbers. That’s just dumb.

I understand the doubts, but they are very unfounded.

My lights were all the way up to the ceiling and the plant was only inches below it.

Once it’s all dry I’ll show you the processed flower, but i don’t have any pics of the nature plant. I suck at remembering to take pictures.

My autos usually yeild 3-4 oz dry. I had one that was a little over 7 oz. I also do not grade my bud so to speak. I only grow for personal use so bag appeal doesnt matter. if it goes in the jars I count it. so some of my weight for sure comes from what some would consider larf. I spend a lot of time looking at other peoples grows and i believe that my yields are on the low side compaired to more experienced growers.


Ive got about 1 week left on my last plant of my second grow of autos, looks like ill be averaging 3oz per plant in soil… maybe less


I’m the same way. Yes, there’s larfy bud in there, but it’s all a great medicine for my wife.

I’m not concerned with top shelf looks, only top shelf smoke.


Happy harvest!!!


@JimWantsToGrow @Bubbala @Cap_Ron @OGIncognito @StickyFrostyBuds

I forgot to tag y’all.

Here’s my final weights.


Thinking this death star og auto will push past 10 said and done


Hello there


Here’s my two got a little over a pound off each ILGM jack here auto the other was a ILGM purple kush auto can check them out on the topic I’ve been using is they are looking happy this was a one time deal that i was to experience it would love to grow more like them though happy growing all✌️


Feels like forever i posted this. Sadly my first harvest plant yielded only 30 grams but my second plant yielded 154 grams! Third one 95 grams. The last one is still drying. I kinda fucked up my next batch of 4 but i have gone back and watched a bunch of videos and asked questions so i am going to save these the best i can and cant wait to start on the next 4. Im gonna rock them. Thank you everyone for the encouraging words and for sharing your stories!


Idk whats was so hard to believe about 17oz in a 3x3 because that’s not alot my guy :confused:

3x3 with well over 17oz in it about 6weeks in flower.

Same tent just before harvesting, and even after losesing alot of the top colas to bud rot, I still got over 16oz from the big northern lights and a soild 4-5oz from the smaller Zkittles autoflower.

Give me about 10 weeks and I’ll show ya another one :sweat_smile:

I’ve had so many beautiful and surprising plants that I’ve never posted or taken pictures of.
I’ve been around a while myself and my experience with plants and people have given me the opposite prospective. I’ve learned to never understand or doubt either one.
We all know what we get when we “assume” things.


Man I love the Critical 2.0 !!
The last one I did had a huge top cola !! Idk if they’re even available anymore… Lucky I have several beans left :smirk: :v:


This was supposed to read “never underestimate” but can’t edit it so :person_shrugging: :unamused:
One should always try their best to understand both people and plants :sweat_smile:

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Got 10 1/2 ounces of this og kush auto


I’m an old photo grower and I’m happy when I get 6-7oz per plant. 4x4, 600w MH/HPS, 5 gallon soft pots FFHF.

I decided to give autos a serious try on this grow and jumped in with both feet. Bought a 1000w ballast, and 1000w MH and HPS bulbs. Switched to FFOF and bought 420 Fastbuds, on a 20/4 cycle. Strains are Blue Dream, Gorilla Cookie and Wedding Cheesecake. Nutes are FF, with Calmag added intermittently, and water is pHed each watering.
I’m about 10 days into flower, and they look great. Applied some serious LST and the plants seem to be thriving. Covered in buds. But honestly, by the end of grow I’d be more than happy with 4-5oz per plant.


The short answer is that yes, they can, it is possible.

I’ve seen a few folks’ journals in other places growing autos with single plant harvests of 1lb+ properly cured, with less than 500w of light… they were experts in the ongoing management of their environment and related details…Medium/feeding, Temp, RH, Proper Water/ing, PPFD/DLI, Airflow, Pruning, Training, etc.; and genetics can play a role.

Very few folks should try to achieve this though…if you are growing for personal use, it is superfluous; and if you’re growing for commercial purposes, trying to grow 1lb autos is not an effective business plan.


I believe basically close to perfect conditions it’s possible to yield 1lb. Per plant but I agree I’m happy with 4-5 oz per plant. I’m just a rookie and I’m learning everyday. I try to read everything that time allows on this forum. I hope to get those kind of yield one day.


I don’t have any pics, I use to stealth grow outside. 20 oz + was fairly common. Not every time, but quite a bit.


When all things, conditions are perfect, the stars align, its possible to grow a pound.

ILGM does recommend a few strains as high yielders. Genetics and quality light to start.

The rest is attention to fine details.