Is it true autoflowers yield 5-15oz?

Manifolds. Purposely delay the plants progress for internet points. Serves no other purpose.

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I won’t debate that.

Significant training/pruning can have its place for environment reasons and needs too though :wink::


I mean I don’t have a problem with manifolding it’s a personal preference. I just shake my head when a newbie wants to do it on his first grow then ask how he can improve his yield the next :rofl:


Darn it, so much for trying to manifold my next grow :joy::joy:


So I’ve been trying to house a couple of mothers and perpetually grow clones from them right.
Well i keep finding myself with overgrown plants like this one i just pulled out to get ready to flower.

It’s a lanky mess from over 3 months of trying to grow it slowly, and theres more then just it :sweat_smile:

But I’ve been thinking lately that if I did manifold type training, it would keep my plants growing slowly and a manageable size ready to flip at any moment rather then what I’m working with now :sweat:


Hello! I’m new to this forum and new to the world of growing marijuana. I have a couple of Blue Skittlez auto’s growing right now. They’re about 14” tall and are flowering, but I seem to be at a stand still. They don’t seem to be growing any taller and they not that full. I was wondering if you had any tips you could give me? Because I have 5 White widow auto seedlings I’m growing and I want those to be successful. I included some pics of my Blue Skittlez as well. Thank you


Welcome! You’ll learn a lot through a couple full cycle grows of experience. To help answer your question…what light is that, how far away, and how many hours a day?


It’s just some growers light I bought at Menards. It has 3 different colors it can cycle thru. Red, blue and purple. And I do 12 on, 12 off and have em about 4 inches away.


Ah, gotcha…lack of adequate lighting is the answer to your question then. How big is your grow space?

Are they autos? If so, run the lights 24/7 from seed until you get a more adequate light:

If they’re photos…you’ll just need to get more light to achieve much more:


Yes, they’re auto’s. Thank you so much for the lighting charts and the info!


Also, what’s the best color to use? Red, purple or blue?


Grow rooms 7 x 4


Think of it in terms of watts instead…Harvesting and curing 1-2 grams per watt is a reasonable goal for folks starting out depending on environment and other factors.


First, welcome to the Happy Place, Growmie! Nice looking planties! You have what we commonly refer to as a burple light. A far more effective alternative would be to invest in a full spectrum LED light. There are many to choose from but stick with those that utilize Samsung LM301B or LM301H/EVO diodes. Spider Farmer, HLG, Viparspectra, and AC Infinity, all offer great lighting options. Make the switch and in no time you’ll be growing baseball sized nuggs on bushes!

ILGM GDP auto grown in a 2x3 under an AC Infinity Ionboard S24 full spectrum light



Welcome to the community our new grow friend. This group will guide you into the world of love for growing. They are the best growers from all over the world. As they have said lights are a must. I would not waste money on cheap lights that just won’t give you the results you will want. HLG lights are the standard. A lot of good lights out there but you want to have a good warranty and a company that will stand behind there product. You don’t want to have to pay 2/3 of the cost to get a bad light shipped back if it’s defective. Been there done that. Lights are pricey but you can find some good sales or even refurbished to save some $$$. My lights are 680 watt lights and you need power during flowering to get the best out of your grow. However we all have items we purchased to get us started until we can improve our grow tools. It’s definitely addictive and love the beauty. Autos can produce great yields when everything is dialed in. My first hydroponic grow my yield was 8 oz per plant with autos but could have been much more with some low stress training. Anyway welcome again and look forward to see your successful grows.


Beautiful flowers absolutely awesome. I love GDP it’s great smoke


Awesome! Thank you so much for the info