How long should my plant flower for?

Hey folks! First timer with autos and I’m wondering how long do these Gorilla Glue autos need to stay flowering?

Here’s a better photo

Based on timing next week would be week 8 since seed. I didn’t want to run the risk of it pollenating itself.

Looking good! Probably another couple months to go still.


Please explain what you mean by pollinating itself? But By the looks you still have probably 3-4 weeks. I didnt see any reddish pistils, let alone what the trichs look like. That’s the true test on when to harvest. Trichs are 30-40 percent amber…then she’s ready. Of course it also depends on the buzz you are looking for.

Or as @BobbyDigital stated…maybe even longer than what I predicted. Either way…you still got a little while. Best of luck. Looking good

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I’m growing the same strain just outdoors. Seen first signs of flower on 7/5 so almost 4 weeks into flower now. Trichs just now all cloudy. Still maybe 2 more weeks to get some amber. Here they are now.

just guessing you.are in week 1 of flower, so I’d give it another 5-7 weeks. Just basing that on mine. They are autos and do what they want. :grin::v:


I’ve read that at times if you let flowering go longer than the plant requires it will try a last ditch effort to pollinate itself and make seeds.

I’ve never heard that. Would have to be a hermie to do so. I guess it possible but a new one for me.

She just woke up. This is her current state.


I’ll have to agree with @Bow4Buck, I don’t see how that would be possible (pollinate itself) unless it was a hermie.

Maybe it wasn’t a reliable source but that’s what I had interpreted. I know if you have a hermie then it’s most definitely a possibility. I had that happen eomd ago when I grew a seed from a batch of purple kush I had. I’m glad this round of growing had turned out better than that last experience. Although autos are odd they can handle a ton from what I can tell.

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I only got one eyeball, but from where I am sitting you have a ways to go. When your pistils turn amber/brown then check your tricomes. When the go from milky to amber its time to harvest. Your plant will always tell you when its harvest time if know what to look for.

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If it pollenated itself it would have to be a herm. The term your looking for is apomixis. @Bow4Buck some plants will produce seeds that are exact gen copies, like S1, to preserve the species with 0 pollen.


If you want a super buzz high harvest when they’re all cloudy, if want a mix of head high and relaxing high wait til 30% Or more of them are amber


Keep taking care of her let those buds finish. And the Breeders guide on time is just an estimate. Nice plants basically just started flowering you still have several weeks to go. Good luck


Thanks! It’s been a fun experience. Good to know those are estimates and not reality. I was like what gives?! Lol Thanks reassuring me.


This is a great reference. Thanks!


You’re welcome buddy :v:t2:

@Se7en comes through with the game winner! Hey man, I posted a new topic the other day on soil recommendations. If you want we can continue our coversating over there. @r3ys3r I think that chart is fairly accurate, but it really depends on what you are looking for. You should do some experimenting and maybe take a bud when all of the tricomes are milky on the buds (and document it). The take the rest of the plant when you have 20-30% anber tricomes. Then when your plant is dried and cured you can test the differences to see what you like the best… Of course if you already know what you want then wait on the plant to show you when she’s ready.

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