Newly legal cannabis grower from the show me state. Eventually I want to get into the genetics and breeding of cannabis for medical purposes. I truly believe cannabis will be the number one fighter against cancer and many other terminal illnesses. It’s amazing to see kids with cancer are being cured with small amount of cannabis oil versus the torture of chemo And radiation. My mother passed in 2008. She had breast cancer. Ironically, she didn’t die from breast cancer. She died from the horrible poisons of chemo and radiation that was pumped in her body in hopes it would kill the poisons of cancer. In case you couldn’t pick up on the sarcasm there, I’ll be blunt and say that’s pretty f@!#ing stupid in my eyes. Hope I’m still around and kicking when and if the government decides to remove cannabis from schedule one list. It would be awesome to be able to research this amazing plant and see just how many lives it can save.