Grow Journal 2024

Ladies are looking great.


Peroxide helps crack the seed shell.
Been trying direct dirt planting and that went well too.


At 1st i thought you were on my deck taking pictures , lmfao , great job my friend


Those are some big beautiful girls , very nice

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Did they survive , update pic ?

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Still going strong


Welcome to the jungle , Derf got fun n games

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Compost tea tomorrow! (Once a week)
They love that stuff


Weekly update.
Mornings are cool, and flowering is in full effect. The smells in the garden are amazing! Boogie brew compost tea applied, added boogie brix, and insect frass to brew.


September 8th update.
Catapilars showed up in a couple of buds, removed them and affected buds. I hate those things…ugh


Who you tellin… :laughing: If it wasn’t for those B*stards some years I would have had near perfect outcomes…One year about 3 years ago, I guess they devastated about 60% of my plants…Ive gotten better at keeping them at bay…with a little BT and Purecrop1…I never really get a straight answer even on Entomology sites about exactly how they get there…Do they come from Moths that lay their eggs on the leaves or crawl into my pots and up the stems?..Anyhow your plants look great!!!


This is my 5th or 6th season…every year I get better at identifying issues.

Finding them early hopefully gets them oit before laying eggs or too much damage.

I spend a lot of time inspecting so when a sugar leaf starts twisting and going a different color, I then know to look deeper. Most of the time an affected bud will disintegrate and boom catapilar.

On the plus side, its been very dry up here in the north east. So powder mildew and bud rot might not be bad this year.

Fingers crossed…its the best time of the year!


Took down 5 bagged plants that had amber trichomes.

Gonna rain for three days, and these were ready. The rest of them are gonna have to dry out and keep going.

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Grape Diamonds, ready to go!
Three days of rain coming so making it happen tonight. Wonder if the harvest, bllod, super moon ia gonna have an affect, lol.


Hey thanks @AL_GREEN !

Fast forward to today. Few issues since my last post.

To start, I have some scary looking issues on leaves.

Also found birds nest fungus inbedded on top of soil. Removed fungus.

High soil ph reads @ 8.91.
PPM 4.*
Looking to use organic to lower. Ie: lemon juice or vinegar?

Any guidance on these issues?

Trying to attach photos taken yesterday/last night.

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Updated photos of my girls. Theyre looking a little peckish :grimacing:

We had, what i thought was slight and brief storm yesterday evening and it broke 3 good side branches. Taped one with electrical tape. Just now seeing the other two. I have electrical and duct tape

We’re struggling! Please see updated photos

Im in Central Ohio.

Weve been in a drought for months! just got out of the 90s yesterday evening.

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Large amount of rain came through.

Fans on plants. Finding mold and removing.

Want to go a few.more.weeks if the rain season holds off.

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I think im replying to the wrong post. If so, my apologies! Great looking girls @Thegovernormfb13 !