Grow Journal 2024

@T-ray thanks!

There’s a plethora of great information and educational resources here. Happy to have found such a great forum!

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Yessir ! It’s m a newbie at this and this community has been awesome (and patient) for me and many others. I’ll be watching your grow(s).


Cold mornings, high humidity and catapilars made the decision for me as always.


Yeah better to have something then to let them go to waste…Im super lucky this year Ive only had very minimal Cater But to me one bud damage is one too many!! Looks good hangin in that room!! and you’ve got that watch Zebra lookin like…“Dont you touch these plants” :grin:
Great job!!

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Thanks AL_GREEN, and yes one bud thrown away is too many if you ask me.

Was a good season over all. Left a couple growing to see what they do, I always like to experiment and see what happens with later harvest.

In the North East later usually means more bud rot and thining out from bugs.

Been looking for strain recommendations for our area. Some are more resistant than others. But I need a strain that kills catapilars too, lol.

Thats what I do and am doing now with my Blueberry Muffin…The smaller popcorn buds …I’m letting them grow a few more weeks maybe sooner…

Thats doing it the right way…Look for strains that are suitable for your Geo location and weather thats key for outdoors!!

Oh I WISH…If you develop that strain you’d be a Millionaire… :rofl:
I dont know if it was the BBM or Romulan strain I grew this year (Ive grown Romy before) But the Caters have done very very minimal damage as opposed to 3 years ago …luck maybe?..

Im also leaving up a Blueberry!

Not sure if it’s gonna finish, been having issues, as always with Blueberry in the past.

Starting to think west coast strains arent the best for our area…but i love the terps.

Was a very good volume year, very lucky.

Hope for the same next season.

Thinking about trying out some Auto strains next year to see if they finish fast. But pervious autos have been questionable at best. Had one flower at 3" tall…what good is that? Lol

Yeah I think that there’s so many strains to choose from getting one that fits your climate will help tremendously…

So have I…Ive also had some go to 4ft`ers
But yeah heres a laugher…for this year Batch#2

Oh boy… got scared? Lol

Such a dissapointment when that happens

@Derf02368 @AL_GREEN i thought BT would kill catapillers and i right or was supposed to be safe to spray on buds? I have not had a catapillers problem but i did buy bt just incase!

Yes Safer brand bt spray is used for Caters and some other insects I believe…and its supposed to be safe to spay on buds…

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