Cropsalt. Anyone use it?

I have samples of cropsalt on the way… gunna try it out for a new feeding regime and possibly switch over from advanced nutrients line. ANYONE HAVE EXPERIENCE USING CROPSALT?? comments? Concerns? Input?

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They are mixing a base with calcium nitrate. Just like jacks, hydro gardens, megacrop, and many others. Based on looking at pricing and all the different bags, I would check out one of those others before buying.

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It’s a veg 2 part and bloom 2 part. Compared to what I’m running now (advanced nutrients line) there is way less to mix all around. Also, itd be less than what I spend per run on nutes too… Well see how it works! Gunna run half my room on it for a test


Yup. Have you looked into Jack’s 321? Its 3 parts period, and way cheaper.


Havent heard of them. I’ll have to do some research.


@imSICKkid and @Bogleg both use it. If you click on tags you can follow to their journals.

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^ Everything you need to know (or at least all that I know, anyway) is right there. Get a notebook and a pen, smoke a bowl, and enjoy. :slight_smile:


Love it man. I’ll never switch…unless it’s to a new or better Jack’s formula if it ever came out. And its easy, since the ratio never changes throughout the grow from seed to harvest.


That’s how cropsalt does it too. I’m sure yall have already looked into it. I’ll what that video etc and look into jacks


I run soil though, can it be used in soil?


Yeah it can be used in any grow situation


Have u tried cropsalt cause it smashes jacks 321 hands down


No, because it costs 10x more and doesn’t appear to have anything in it that Jack’s doesn’t have. In fact, it almost looks like they copied Jack’s recipe and dropped npk values a smidge to avoid getting sued lol. $250 for 20 pound bags? I about fell out my damn chair! I bought 25 pound bag of Jack’s for $38,

I find it extremely difficult to believe it would smash anything it’s nearly identical to. I certainly wouldn’t believe an anecdotal comment without a well documented side by side from someone with a good reputation to support it. This stuff comes up from a new company 1-2 times a year and a few people will jump on it. Then someone who cares will run it through hydro buddy and show people the final elemental ppm is nearly identical to all of its competitors at best.


Just because it doesn’t appear to have anything different doesn’t mean squat. Anyone that thinks they know what’s in a bag with a guaranteed minimum analysis is just delusional. I ran jacks 321 for years it major deficient. I switched to crop salt and on a large scale spending more for there line made me way more money than saving a few bucks on jacks . Like I asked before have u ever tried it ? or are u telling other people jacks is better based on your guesses.


I think the thread said cropsalt anyone tried it ? From what your saying u have not.


No, but you’re here responding to me lol. I’m telling people Jack’s is cheaper, and there is no evidence that crop salt is any better.

You have a journal anywhere proving otherwise? I’d be happy to check it out.

There are side by sides done all the time. I can show u my crop picks with cropsalt and u can show me yours with jacks


Where are these side by side grows?

So You don’t want to exchange garden pics ?

I don’t even have one flowering right now, what would that prove? Point me to where these well documented side by sides proving cropsalt is better please. How about anything other than because you say so lol