Cropsalt. Anyone use it?

I’m using cropsalt. This is my first grow ever in coco and i think they’re looking pretty good at 3 weeks


Super old post but wanted to give my feedback. I used jacks religiously for a few years and while it does work great it can’t be compared to a nutrient brand that was actually designed for cannabis like cropsalt. Give the stuff a try I have had great results with the stuff and yes it’s more expensive but I honestly think it’s a much better product and the end result is worth the extra money. Here are a few of my recent plants using the stuff


Beautiful! I get pretty good results with jacks.


Those look great I grew good stuff with jacks also I just found the crop salt to add a little bit of quality to the finished product it adds more weight at the end and the amount of trichome coverage I get is noticeably better. Next time you run out of jacks give it a try they have starter packs for 60 that will feed up to 12 plants from seed to harvest


I am interested for sure, but there’s a lot of things out there I’d like to try. Lol. Im currently going through a tad more than 110gallons a week.

Digging the name and avatar btw. :sunglasses:


Definitely one of the best. Do you have to fold your wallet carefully so the receipt don’t explode? We should do a “ vote” like BOM contest for best screen name/avatar. @Costanza, that’s some funny sh%#. Coffee spitter there.


Haha thanks it’s been my nickname since I was a kid, all it took was forgetting my wallet two times in a row when going out tk eat with friends and the name stuck. I also dumped a girl in high school because I believed her arms were too hairy, this girl was a knockout too so yeah I’m a slight bit neurotic


I been for almost 5 years. One of the best choices i made