So made an Everclear tincture from some White Widow trim and it is seriously green. I am color-blind and I can see it. No suspended gunk, just a nice clear, very dark green color. Anyway, tastes like weed-infused swamp-water, with a bite.
I saw a trick to remove at least some of the chlorophyll by adding some water, shake like crazy, put in the freezer a couple days then filter thru coffee filters. Looked like a real mess was strained out, but was still dark green.
So, can I do this a couple times to remove more chlorophyll? I am trying to avoid Hexane and similar chemicals.
I figure if light enough, a couple hours of UV will bleach it out- but I bet that doesn’t improve the taste, just the color??
Any other ideas? I really would like to save this- or at least boil it off in a double-boiler (no worries, no flames). I could make oil or shatter if eating it is out of the question.
That’s a thought, but wouldn’t any Everclear eat the caps? If I cooked it down some that might do it. Will keep that for a last resort. Thanks Tsunamibud
So i did the water/freeze and strain thing and WOW does that work! Did it 2x actually, then boiled off the everclear in a crock pot set on low, with cooking oil in the bottom as the transfer fluid to my open ball jar. Then cranked it up and evapped the water till i only had cannabis oil in the bottom of the jar. Added some everclear back and it is a beautiful amber color and while still an acquired taste—WAYbetter, and concentrated