Am i ready for my first harvest?

If you do the test with iPhone I would be interested in the results please. I’m currently using the app. I seen a video by a independent person on YouTube doing comparing the 500 light meter and the results he came up with we’re close enough for me
I can’t figure out how he calibrated the app. I don’t have the chart for my light. It’s a HGL 100 at 4 k and a board I through together. I also have the patriot 150 from HGL I need the app for but again no pdf chart at any hanging distance’s. Thanks. Right now just as the app came I move the light until I reach 600 or below ppfd using the pair meter ??

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The hlg 100:

It’s only for veg stage as listed… Maximum 3x3 tent.

HLG patriot 150:

For veg or flower… Might be too low to get a great flower out of it.
Max… Veg 3x3…flower 2x2.

Adjust the light height according to the manufacturers recommendation… Then adjust the dimmer to get the correct intensity at that height.

Use a DLI chart to set you daily light given depending on hours of light per day.

Unfortunately… I don’t have an iPhone… But tested the app on my Android pixel fold… The readings were way off compared to my apogee sensor.

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First Thanks for the info on the hgl.
I have 2 questions

1 st when you say might be to low for great flowers what is the figure your looking at and what would produce a great flower.

2nd If I use my iPhone let’s say at 18 inches below the patriot what number should be showing on phone using the app ? Thanks. No way can I afford that professional meter lol had to retire.

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Guess that’s 3 questions.

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There is much cheaper meters on Amazon… But if the app works for you… Save the cash!

For Photoperiod you need during flower up to 40 dli… Which is 925 ppfd. At 12 hours light per day. :point_left:

For Autoflowers… You’ll need… Same… But at 18 hours… 617 ppfd… For the same dli of 40… Or 555ppfd at 20 hours per day. :point_left:

You can go lower than 40 dli… But the lower you go from 40…you’ll risk airy fluffy or otherwise inferior harvest.

The light is most important… As is genetics.

In veg… The plants can handle much more. Up to 45 dli without co2

The hlg 100 has max ppfd listed. I couldn’t find the patriot 150’s exact specs on hlg… Found it elsewhere from an hlg distributors old advertisement.

You can set the app at either ppfd or dli… DLI might be easier… But to get specific reading of your lights output at the moment… Ppfd.

Number’s listed above👆

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Thank you The numbers you gave me for photos Were for 12 hours a day , and autos for 18 , what would photos numbers be if running light 18 hours per day which I currently am ? Thanks again. I’m sure that free app isn’t to accurate but maybe if I find the happy medium and watch the plants I might get lucky.

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Thanks again

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Photos… Assuming you’re still in veg… Max without co2… 45dli…or 694 ppfd

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Yes still in veg maybe even still in seeding stage for 3 of them. had a few late bloomers. I’m around my second week. Almost killed the one in picture bottom left. Was in solo cup and it was thirsty.
Thanks for the numbers, I have a hard
time wrapping my head around the lights and the way they are measured but willing to learn

Thanks again


No problem…

I hope you have a great night.

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Same to you

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Makes since i don’t have enough light. I definitely wasn’t impressed with the flower results. What would you recommend for a3x3 tent with 3 plants?

Two methods for determing adequate light. Sq ft of grow footprint so 9 in your 3x3. 35-40w per sq. ft. 360w to be safe. The other is simply 150-200w per plant. So 3 plants at 600w. I grow 1 plant in my tent. bigger than 3x3 but not 4x4 and 72" tall. I have an HLG 350r with new Samsung Evo diodes and have nice tight big colas. Since light is the magic, it is the #1 thing I would spend my money on. When I came back to growing after a 30 year absence, I went down the light rabbit hole and was told the first light I had was good from my electrician son. I was not familiar with LED’s. He steered me wrong. Then I did some research and landed on a budget but good light, Mars TS1000. A 150w light. It gave off a yellowish light and did grow 4 zips of some really good smoke. I bought another and a bigger tent and put them side by side. Grew another really nice GFOG with missiles but was still not getting the yield I wanted. Switched to HLG and man was that light bright and white. Samsung Evo diodes are awesome. Yields went up to 10+ zips and bigger denser mains.

Something like this would be great.

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Just ordered this. 200 more watts giving me 300 watts total.

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The driver is a 120h 48a

Is this better then the HLG patriot?

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@dbrn32 is the lighting expert…

@dbrn32 is that :point_up_2: better than an hlg 150 patriot?

Yea I’m just not sure which light to run. I think I rather run the lest powerful light now at this early stage. I am running the board that I put together and I think I might be causing stress to the smaller ones. I know I’m stressing. If I had another place for them I would use the HLG 100 on them till they got bigger. But if is a big word. Oh well no biggy I will find out soon enough

No. It’s a used knock off board of similar design with a smaller driver.

Hlg-150 should have dimmer built in, right? Therefore there shouldn’t be a reason it would be too big if you need to use it. In terms of stressing I agree, these are both relatively small lights by most standards and should be interchangeable in most cases without much to think about.


Thank you And About the dimmer it came with a screwdriver to adjust the driver same as the 120h 48a. It does me no good ,I guess I can just raise the light thanks again. It’s kind of upsetting they it’s good for veg up to a 3x3 and flower in a 2x2 but I’m hearing it’s a weak light. Am I wasting electricity?? It’s more the money I’m using on electric to get lousy buds

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Just like Christmas. Are you using this thread to journal your grow? I will mark as following. Want to see the diff the new/added light makes.

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