Am i ready for my first harvest?

I dried mine for like 10 days an everything still came out oily an sticky 1 of them was kinda dry but all mine is airy not dense an tight but it breaks down like popcorn bud an they all smoke very nice the sour diesel put me on my ass every time. The other 2 was out of a mix pack so i dont know the strain. Im curing the diesel in a grove bag an the others in jars i like the bag better way less work

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That could be due to the lightā€¦better, stronger light should help.
What light are you using?

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Whew something cheap il check the name in a min i believe its like 400w full spectrum but no dimmer i have a topo tent tho light came with it

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Been thereā€¦ Cheap China lightsā€¦ They produce tons of heatā€¦ And donā€™t output the light they claim.

If one thingā€¦ Upped my gameā€¦ It was the light upgradeā€¦ First harvest more than paid for itself.

Without the heat issuesā€¦it made things much easier, and buds turned out much betterā€¦ The heat evaporates the terpsā€¦ One reason area stinks so much.

My tentsā€¦ When heat is under controlā€¦ Smellā€¦ But not obnoxious.


I definitely gotta upgrade i need a light with the automatic timer an 1 of those foger humidifiers

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I used a vivosun 1000vs led. I plan on getting a second or third for the next grow.

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Vivosun 1000w led. My temps stayed between 70 and 80 the entire time. I plan on increasing that to 2k or 3k.

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What did you use on this grow?

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As far as?

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Light but i see it was 400w. I think the 1000w i used is too weak.


Yea i have 2 sour diesel autos going. Theyā€™re going on about 3 weeks im actually ready to start a photo im actually contemplating whether im about to germinate a seed now lbs just dont think another 5 gallon gonna fit in my tent i mean i know i can but i dont think my light good enough for 3

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Might consider getting an hlgā€¦ Worth it!


Do you use a meter or app to check your light intensity?

Iā€™d suggest a quantum meter or the Photone app. These will give you an accurate idea of how to set your light for your tent size and plant canopy height.

Plants through mid flower need 40 dli. Or 925 for Photoperiod at 12 hr/dayā€¦ Or 617 for Autoflowers at 18 hr/day.

The Photone appā€¦ Is not as accurate as a meterā€¦ A quantum meter and a lux meter are very differentā€¦ Quantum being much more accurate.

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This my 2nd run ever im in all happy frog with some worm castings im also putting a little fish shit in the water but im running woth gaia green this time hoping for some bigger plants but if i dont get the same potency than 1st time or ima go back to the ff trio

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I tried the photon app an didnā€™t no how to work it it wasnt reading had the phone on the canopy camera facing the light but didnt get a reading :man_shrugging:t6::man_facepalming:t6: i was thinking maybe i have to do it with a iPhone or something idk :man_shrugging:t6:

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Iā€™d suggest Roots Organics Original soil and Jackā€™s 321 nutesā€¦ Just awesome resultsā€¦ The soil is very consistentā€¦ Nutesā€¦ Wellā€¦ If you search youā€™ll see the results on here.

I switch to Jackā€™s from FFā€¦ Still have bottles of probably expired FF nutesā€¦

Jackā€™s Part A part b and epsum saltā€¦ That is itā€¦ Plus pH up and down.

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I believe the iPhone needs a paper over the lensā€¦

This should point you in a directionā€¦

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Someone on here definitely suggested that an gh ima try jacks maybe if im not liking the gaia green off the ff trio i got quality bud but had some small plants i ran into alot of problems also so i know i stunted my girls growth i was using the full dose off the feeding chart thinking more is better


Use staples 22 lb bright white paper

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This is why your buds were fluffy/airy. Unless you are already aware of the way some LED mfgā€™s state their wattage or label their products, your light is only 100 watts. Not quite enough to flower 1 plant to its potential.