Acinfinity supplemental lighting

wanting to get supplemental lights from ac infinity im stuck between the full spectrum 11inch and 16inch my main issue is which would be best in terms of size and light. i have a 3x3 tent plan on putting 3 plants in after this grow and stuck on 16inch might be too big and 11 inch might not give enough under plant light ?

What do you have for overhead light? The top of leaves are going to process the most amount of light. And the plants will only process so much light. If you have room for improvement over I would focus on that instead and focus on managing your canopy to the vest of your ability. You can see some improvements from light under the canopy but the ceiling for improvements isn’t very high to justify cost of buying and running more equipment.


3x3 tent my light is 300watt bar light by acinfinity current plant seems to be doing good i just like to do the best i can in anything i do. if you think i shouldnt then i wont im just posting off information i get or see off youtube i know that ilgm is where ill get the best info off of that original info.

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It’s tricky subject because I’m sure you could get some improvement but I don’t think it would be enough to justify the cost of more equipment and paying for additional electricity.

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very true ty for the response in that case ill just stick to what i have its going well enough anyways.

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