1st timer, starting to see all this i know its female but any tips from here

This is the top

@Nicky could probably tell you your best options to get some colorful buds.

Night time Temps in flower need to drop below 12c

Aside from that

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Really 12 c? What about humidity?. As a first timer I could get close to thar but all I have read is some bull then. Right now I’m holding 20 to 23 c on temp and mid 30 on humidity

Om not trying to do any crazy I just want to get something and learn. I want to LEARN

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I got this from @Yosh thank u for being cool with me

Your in the right place but please do not use fowel language in the community. We try to things happy here unlike many forums and social media

Look at a VPD chart to find out what humidity is needed in flower at 12c

Hey u will find just about everyone here is happy to help out anyone who shares the passion for growing.

This is awesome just getting new to all thus was available

Sorry about that comment I will have to try harder causei am aguy who likes to cuss but I want the know ledge

It’s a good habit to change.
Cussing makes you sound bad in so many context…

It might be a good change :wink:

Have no problem with that

Welcome to the forums and thus the community, time to get reading and learning!

What does this chart actually mean? VPD?

Vapor pressure density

It’s basically the chart that shows you how well your plants are able to breath


Beautiful health.
I recommend some defoilation.
I’m out of likes or this post above surely deserves one great job.

Ok so what has that to do with colors? The colder its as long as humidity is right it will change? Or am I way off

As you drop your Temps you need to drop your humidity.
Basically if you shoot for 11 or 12c you want your humidty at 0% or as low as you can get it make sure your running a dehumidifier.

Your plants ability to breath at low Temps requires low to no humidity depending on the temp.
Look at the chart.

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