As requested by a few people as i must be driving people crazy with all my different topic so one easy topic and 2hat better than a grow journal so i can get help and advice and keep you all upto date of my grow aswell so thank you all in advance.
I have also added support ticket to help out a bit aswell. Am also a novice when it comes to computing.
@bob31 tag you were am still learning how to navigate the site. If you could pop up and explain for me please as i would like to findout 1 if tht is whats causing her not to grow during flower like the others are. Am getting confused . 2 is there anything i can do for example clean her roots up if she is rootbownd. I guess it will teach me to calm down a bit and relax when i am transplanting. I am lucky i can remember what she looked like before i transplanted her roots. I just need to find pictures of plants with roots vislbe so i can see them and compare them to see if there was any problems before i transplanted her
Strain; Type, =smokey bear autoflower Female
Soil in pots, Hydroponic, or Coco? =2 in soil mixed with perlite and vermiculite. And 1 in soil and coco coir mixed with perlite and vermiculite. And all 3 are in dirt pots which are fabric 11litres
System type?= ??? Dont understand whats system ment.
PH of runoff or solution in reservoir?= EACH ONE WAS DIFFERENT. 1. AKA "CHARLIE "1311 PPM Ph 5.8 PERFECT SHE IS IN SOIL AND COCO. 2. AKA “COCO” 532 PPM Ph 5.15. Both 1 + 2 are at day 42. 3. AKA “MUNCHKIN” 671 PPM Ph 5.03. So 2 and 3 are in soil perlite and vermiculite mixed together. And 1 is in soil, coco coir, perlite and vermiculite.
What is strength of nutrient mix? EC, or TDS= only had tds meter a couple of wks and only watered once and tds came back at 844ppm that was the first time i ever used TDS METER WAS FROM WEEK 4/5 AND NOT THE START OF MY GROW.
Indoor or Outdoor= indoor
Light system, size?= cheap 300w led
Temps; Day, Night= day is 24 to 29 . night 25 to 28.
Humidity; Day, Night= day 50 to 55 night 65 to 70
Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size= yes 4inch fan into carbon filter then exctracting it out cuboard and another 4inch bringing in fresh air
AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier,= NO but humidity is between 50 and 70 depending on day or night etc. But normaly i keep it at 50 to 55 during the day then at night normally its 65+
Co2; Yes, No= N/A
I will add better picture later but for now i have these ones up. @bob31 @garrigan62 @70sChick @Alton66 @Kapelady @PhantomFarmer. Any help advice criticism or just a chat i will be very grateful to all.
when i get more time i will post more pics and other stuff for my journal starting from day 1 till the end. And with all your help hope to have some great MEDICINE. Thanks