Xtreme topping!

My wife wanted to put some plants in the window just cause she likes house plants so she commandeered some white widow seeds from me and here we are. The plants are DEFINITELY root bound (I am going to get her some larger pots shortly) BUT! Look how stretched they are! My question is THIS. How far down can you top a plant? Could I feasibly just top these plants about halfway down and create two colas AND solve the stretching issue at the same time? Or does topping need to be performed AT THE TOP as the name implies? Thanks guys! (And gals, obviously :grinning:)



Most people top after the 3rd node but that will only temporarily solve your stretching issues as they are wanting more light which is what’s causing them to stretch


Yep! But the thing is is I am going to move them out in the yard where they will feel less inclined to stretch like that. So you think it’s a possibility?


Yeah if they are gonna be an outside plant i dont see any issues there but id wait for others to chime in as ive only grown indoors


Thanks man. ‘Preciate the effort. :smiley:

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You can top anywhere on the plant you want. It might stunt them for a few days but they’ll recover.
If i were gonna top I’d probably do that then as they recover harden them off with limited exposure to the full sun and after 3-4 days just let them go on out.

Make a nice clean cut with a razor as opposed to snips and let your wife clone the tops! Give her a new something to do while you grow out some buds!


Dude. Problem solved! I even love the part about cloning! Bruh. :trophy:


You don’t need to top them just super crop them about 1/2 way up.


If you top and or fim, please do yourself a favor and get Silica so the branches can strengthen up. Because a fan is not going to do it for you. Not at least my 4 years of growing aka reference to the fan.


It is possible to take too much, wouldn’t risk removing more than 1/3 to 1/2. I recently overpruned one of the plants I intended to grow outside this year; but rather than growing taller like I wanted it to, it died.

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Please elaborate. Silica?

Noted. Thanks, CurrDog!

I like the clone idea. Outside without any headspace issues till hit the moon i would not even worry. They will start fillimg out with some judicious pruning. I would clone what is good from prune. You have a good month or so of long days. They look healthy and should fill out under sunlight. Just my thoughts.

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You can get it off Amazon. General hydroponics. It makes the stems hard like a tree

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You can cut it all the way to the very bottom if you wanted to. Long as there as you leave 1 “top” it will grow.

People take 75-90% of plants all the time after a harvest, leaving only tiny bits of material, and plants regrow just fine.


No way. Siiiiiiick. I wasn’t even aware the plant could survive harvest! :open_mouth:


If you super crop between the 3rd and the 4th node you end up with 4-6 mains without removing anything.

6/18/21 8/24/21


A photo, not an auto. Autos are one and done, but a photo can be re-vegged if you leave enough green on it after harvest.
And the super cropping is a good idea also!
I like rooting clones so my mind went there! LOL!


Someone recently posted that Auto’s actually can be revedged it might be more work than revegging a photo. Id never heard of anyone doing it but theres stuff on the net about it. “Who would of thunk”?

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Yeah man i said the same thing last year :rofl:

It’s a pretty neat trick.
Heres a thread i started and a plant i re-vegged.
She is absolutely huge now :heart_eyes:
I will be updating the thread soon as im going to flower her again and I will scrog her and fill a 4x6 tent with only her…
She was a tiny bonsai with first harvest, she is now 10 times the size she was with first flower.
But this thread walks you through how to do it.
And it only works with photo period plant’s from my experience and understanding of how and why it’s possible and autoflowers just do not fit the bill.

Since autoflowers are not dependent on environmental conditions to trigger flowering, I don’t see a mechanism to be able to manipulate it :thinking:
I feel like if anyone has gotten an auto flower to re-veg, then it wasn’t a 100% autoflower to begin with :man_shrugging:.
I could be wrong but I’d be very surprised

Re-veging is trigged by takeing it from a 12/12 light schedule straight to a 24 hours a day light for a couple weeks…
Since lighting hours do not effect a true autoflower, it would have no effect on them.