First scrog attempt. When do I start cleaning up extra small undergrowth.
Read here that 2 days before flip to 12-12.
I’m not quite ready to flip yet. Just wondering if I can clean up some smaller growth without hurting upper.
I would say start now, abit every day or other day. That way by time u flip its almst clean and dont have to take a large amount all at once, risk it going into shock. Thats just my thoughts.
I like to give my girls a trim almst every time i water. I feel they like it
The shock is what I was trying to avoid.
Thanks for advice. Makes sense little at a time.
I don’t trim much in a scrog below the canopy until the net is pretty full. Yellowed off leaves get removed and leaves that come in contact with the soil get removed.
I try to have cleaned up the bottom 5-6" before I flip, and then slowly prune away at the lowest bud sites as she flowers (no need for the plant to devote energy to the lower stuff). Some of the lower growth goes to cloning, some to recycling. I find that by harvest most everything below the canopy has either been pruned by me or died off on its own from lack of light.
I appreciate your input. It all makes sense now. I have seen a few grows on this forum and most scrog’s that I’ve seen have been well trimmed. Most of my exp has been outdoors where it wasn’t as much of a problem. Again. Thank you very much. May all your harvested be full.
Damn spell check. Harvests.
I started outdoors as well. I never did anything to my plants besides plant and harvest.
Indoor growing is an entirely different ballgame.