What do I have here

I found a seed from a previous bag I had, soaked it until it germinated, planted the seedling and now it blooming like crazy in just 6 weeks. (I enclosed some pictures). It may be too early but my question, does anyone recognize this strain?


Very nice could possibly be a auto plant. And will double in size. No way to really tell The Strain. Good luck


Thank you. I have enjoyed watching her grow.

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Looks like an auto. It’s rare to find an auto seed in a bag. Really rare @Atticus1962.


What is an auto seed?


Watch for it to hermie. Bag seed can do that easy no stressors. Not always but be vigilant. Grats she is healthy.


I would vote for auto flower with that much into flower.
It also has the look of sativa/indicate in the leaves. But impossible to tell the strain


Auto plants usually start flowering between 4 to 7 weeks but you can get one that will take a little longer. photo plants need shorter daylight hours to trigger flowering stage.

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You have photo seeds that take much longer to show signs of ready to flower and you have auto seeds that don’t depend on light schedules to flower. It’s rare for an auto plant that hasn’t hermied to have a seed in its buds. I haven’t had a seed in any autos I’ve grown since I screwed up and stressed a Girl Scout Cookie plant 3 years ago. I’ve probably grown 20 autos since then. So it’s real rare to find one of those seeds @Atticus1962

I did not know that. Thank you for pointing it out. I will send more pictures in the future.

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