Uffda #2 When the snow blows, I grows

Wonder if they hand out large stamps with the word SUCKER on it when you hand over an ounce of your smoke and $200?

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I’ve got white fungus growing out of my plant. Should I be concerned? They look like bleached hiney-hole hair.

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:rofl: Hahahahaha

“Chop it down, it’s got that feminization trait…they say that they are all like that these days. I think the breeders are all a bunch of sexist snobs, show us more stamens”

                                                                                                                    -Donald J Trump

                                                                                                                      July 21, 2024
                                                                                                                      Grand Rapids, Mi
                                                                                                                      Hollander Capital
                                                                                                                       of the World.
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I cut it off and put it on my pizza

Well @PogueMahone I’m officially a resident of the Twin Cities for the next couple weeks. Hopefully I can stay awake for all this training.

Where do they have you shackled?

The Normandy inn & suites downtown Minneapolis

Agricultural Lesson #1:

For those who might not be familiar with bovines—that includes cows, bulls, and even bison—this is for you. If you’ve ever wondered where baby cows come from, let me introduce you to the “cow’s nest.” As shown here, the eggs in this particular nest are all white. Typically, white eggs suggest that the newborn cow will either be raised for beef or become a dairy cow that produces only white milk. However, on the rare occasion you find brown eggs, prepare for a special treat: these cows are destined solely for producing chocolate milk!


Another Minnesota First, developed for the off-season
Celebrating the Birth of Water-Skiing | Boating Mag


It is a good day when you discover a couple grove bags of last winter’s grow that you forgot about, RQS Milky Way and Orion.


Stopping at Greener Gardens tonight hopefully for a large stash of Grove Bags. First thing on my agenda after work is some Discin.


I was there yesterday…for Grove Bags, lolol. Tell the owner (with the German Shepherd), that the guy that left the Hella Jelly sent you.


Proof that I Do give a Crap

The first modern flushable toilet was invented in 1596 by Sir John Harrington who installed one for his godmother, Queen Elizabeth 1.

His invention came complete with a water tank and a flush valve. However, the flush toilet wouldn’t really take off for another 250 years. Most of the toilets in Medieval Europe were either holes in the ground, communal outhouses or chamber pots.

If you were lucky and born into tremendous wealth, you would have the luxury of using a garderobe (derived from the French word for “wardrobe”), which was a small rooms built adjacent to the wall of a medieval castle. The toilet would be connected to a vertical shaft that would run all the way down to the ground. Garderobes which literally translates to “guarding one’s robes” originated from the practice of hanging clothes in the shaft as a way to kill fleas by using the ammonia in urine.

Occasionally some brave knights would conduct sneak attacks by entering the castle via the shaft connected to the garderobe. Throughout history, there have been a number of famous people who have died on the toilet. Several of them were stabbed from below while in the process of defecating.

These people include King Edmund II of England (30 November 1016), JaromĂ­r Duke of Bohemia (4 November 1035), Godfrey IV Duke of Lower Lorraine (Circa. 26 or 27 of February 1076), Wenceslaus III of Bohemia (4 August 1306) and Uesugi Kenshin (19 April 1578)


Frankly, I would be cautious about the two in the middle.


What a way to go…hahahaha

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So…Minnesota is beginning the process of issuing licenses for selling cannabis flower.

Can someone explain why preference is being given to convicted drug offenders and ghetto dwellers?

They’re more experienced

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They’ve already got the “infrastructure”?? :thinking:

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My prediction: They will fail due to local illicit dealers that undercut dispensary prices; clients that can afford dispensary prices will avoid the crime-ridden areas.

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Woohoo 1000th post…Only took a year and a half! God, I suck!