Grow room hoping to have running in a month or so

Any info for a newbie would be much appreciated


what kind of setup are u going to have? ph and ppm meters? Fans? Lights…

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@FLATOUT_STONED you have an exhaust fan and plan?

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What a shitty day literally. Sewer main broke now my grow set up gets pushed back as I’ll be digging up and replacing that but on a positive note got a 4 bucket dwc system I’m setiting up I have two famurs 1000 watt leds( going to upgrade) I’m going to run 4 6” fans 1 in each corner. I’ve got ultrasonic humidifier/ dehumidifier. I’ve got meters just trying to figure out exhaust leading towards ac infinity. Any suggestions would be great as far as that goes I did finish running drain and refill station on the second Bucket two more to go now



The ac infinity 6" will work nicely for the ladies. Sorry about the sewer break. Bummer

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I’m considering the ac infinity 6 “ with the fan controller. I have pre existing exhaust tubing the my heater is connected to I thought about just splicing that and running a tee to connect the exhaust fan to my only worry is that in the winter time I don’t want the exhaust fumes from my heater effecting my plants or do you think I’d be okay? I think having the carbon filter in there I should be okay as that’s what that is it’s job partially but I over think allot sometimes

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Sweet deal that’s what I’ve been leaning towards that or the spider farmer but I like the way the ac infinity has the control module to control fan speed

I’m still learning how to use this forum and how things work around here to be honest so bare with me you guys mention journals how and where do I start one of those? Attached is my tent plans I drew for the dwc buckets I’m running

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I gotta stop smoking… your first pic had me thinking you had buckets on the wall.
Me , :eyes::eyes::eyes::eyes: that’s Ulta alternative, I’ve never seen that before :rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy:


Yeah I tend to over do and over think things but Being my first grow id rather spend the time now we’ll planning then popping some seeds and having to try to overcome obstacles on top of already trying to learn how to do this properly trying to make things run as smooth as possible

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I wouldn’t use the furnace exhaust. I think it would be better to run into the furnace return or supply not sure which of those would be better…ac infinity is top notch, 6” is plenty

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Okay cool and I will get back to the drawing board for exhaust worst case I’ve gone this far in my build I’ll spend the extra bit of time and money and run it’s own if needed in all honesty it’s probably my best option as I don’t want any issues down the line poising my plants with exhaust fumes @Pinboy


Whats temp/rh in lung room ?
Im putting tent in my basement. It’s currently 68/58rh. Which is probably close to where it will be normally. It was 90 in Md today. AC is on. I guess im gonna need some heat.

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@Sizzzl my garage temp in summer time on a hot 90 degree maintains about 60 degrees with the doors closed obviously winter time it drops down into the 45 50 range without the heater running. All though it’s insulated well with heater set to 65-70 it maintains a even temp and doesn’t kick on every 5 mins surprisingly

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My vote, completely. I have two T-6 fans with Cloudline 67 controllers (two 4x4x6.5 tents).

Middle pictured is AC-Infinity CLOUDCOM B1 remote temp sensor. B2 is better choice, redundant with two cloudline controllers having temp/rh sensor probe. B2 is soon available with Bluetooth and Wifi? maybe. Tents are connected.


You’ve done an awesome job. Impressive – for a newbie – which I am too.

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@DEEPDIVERDAVE sold me on it… you say the b2 model is better what’s the differences If you don’t mind me asking?

AC-Infinity CloudcomB-1 soon to be released with WiFi (?), regardless, unit has Probe wire attaching, something.
AC-Infinity Cloudcom B-2 Bluetooth, has no probe or wired connectionconnection

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Overthinking is everyone’s challenge in the early going. I’m so impressed with what you’re doing though. Awesome.

I suggest using distilled or RO water in it. Ultrasonic humidifiers will aerosolize the minerals in tap water and will produce a white mineral dust all over your grow area.

Great setup for a new grower. It’s clear that you’ve done your homework.

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