She’s a beauty
Excellent they will do you good pay is minimal
She is looking great! Go Hazel!!!
Hazy Baby would be proud to have such a beautiful specimen named after her. Well maybe not but its good
Yeah, lol! They don’t ask for much, they just like to watch.
You know what I mean.
Thanks for those, they are really cute!
Now you know theres more to those. I didn’t realize it was anything other than garden Gnomes
Mononoke Tree Spirits. This great place gave me direction
Ahhhhh, I didn’t know about those, and also known as Kodama, thanks!
A I see anymore is a turtle
Yeah! But better than Wayne or Garth.
Had me think that I’m not aware of any turtle strains, not that mis-training has anything to do with that of course, lol, and I see there are at least several turtle strains, not a surprise :
Looks yummy, very nice.
Hazel today, she has some visitors who are excited for Halloween.
The skull planter is newly acquired, named Morty (only $10 at Amazon, lol), who looks freshly exhumed, not that I know anything about that.
Also newly acquired is a six-pack of 4" skulls, also only $10. They are in quarantine until I can wash them, they stink like potpourri from doing time in the At Home store.
Ossi Patella and his kids have been around awhile.
It seems as if I put my skeletons away five minutes ago. Except Bony Odie, he stayed out all year. Maybe I’ll hit the shed tomorrow and bring them out.
Hazel now looks less like a turtle, and more like a giraffe.
Hazel and I say,
, they are looking wonderful!
They have grown so fast sniffle they’ll be leaving for consumption college before we know it
Beautifully impressive