Jack’s v. Grow Dots in Coco

This is an experiment, testing Grow Dots against Jack’s 3-2-1. I’m using autoflowerman1969 autoflowers - F4 genetics so they can be as reasonably identical as I think I can get autoflowers.

Here’s the deets.

The set up! @alienofasoul - here’s the new journal for this excursion.

2x 3gal fabric pots
1 brick of Mother Earth compressed coco rehydrated with RO
1 bag Grow Dots (24 ounces?)
1 bag Recharge (8 ounces)
1 giant bottle Tribus
1 giant bottle Lumina
1 middle-sized bottle Fish Sh!t
Jack’s 3-2-1
Mother of All Blooms (MKP)
Silica Boost (potassium silicate)
Capt Jack’s Dead Bug for weekly pest prevention.

I will treat them exactly the same, except the XXL who has grow dots will only get microbes and silica for the duration.

The XXL without grow dots will receive full strength Jack’s 3-2-1 for the duration, and the MKP as a flowering supplement, in addition to the microbes and silica.

They will both get FIM’d once, then trained out and FIM’d again on each cola - assuming by the time they’re recovered from the first FIM they aren’t showing me preflowers. I’m going to attempt to make 4-8 main offshoots for each plant.

My babies in the front to go into the 3gal pots:

And the girls in their 3gal pots. The Grow Dots pot got “heavy” application - 3 teaspoons per gallon, for a total of 9 teaspoons of Grow Dots.


I’m watching!

Going to be a good experiment.


Thanks! I’m hopeful. I feel like I need a new tent just for this. :rofl:


Saddled up for the ride!

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I am curious! What are grow dots? I’m sure want to watch! :blush::v:


They’re the Real Growers’ equivalent to Miracle Gro. Time released pellets to mix into your medium and they’re supposed to fuel your plant for 6 weeks veg and 10 weeks flower.

We’re putting that claim to the test.


Now I know I want to be in on this!! :blush:

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I’m watching

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I just looked this stuff up, and you can get a single use bag for $8. Worth it for anybody doing this type of grow.


:large_blue_circle: :red_circle: :orange_circle: :purple_circle: :eyes:

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Watching too but I’m going in skeptical , will it get decent results, probably, but I’m guessing it’s formulated for a plant that flips at 3-3.5 weeks but for a giant that flips 4.5-5.5 weeks I have a feeling you’ll be running dry mid flower( helps that you’re using 3 galloners and not 5s)


Looking forward to this


Yeah, I’m wondering if that’s gonna happen. But that’s why I opted for the heavy feed - it might bite me with nitrogen toxicity early on. Putting a lot of blind faith in the genetics.


I’d like to see how the dots work so I’ll be watching :eyes: from the back row


Tagging along also. Gonna be cool to see. Good luck bud

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i’m here for the experiments!


Watching!!! Do you by chance practice your evil genius laugh between tokes?

Hey @BobbyDigital is there a “Mad Scientist” badge for those that do these experiments that benefit us all with new ways to grow, what doesn’t work, etc?


Lol, no there’s not. Maybe a title back in the day but they’ve cracked down on handing out titles.


Yeah, the titles seems to be a lot rarer than the badges, but that also means if someone has a title like BOM Hall of Fame, they probably know their stuff and have been helping everyone out a ton! Where as a badge seems more auto generated when you accomplish its set parameters.