Trouble With Seedlings

I’m a little worried about my seedlings. These were planted on 12/28 and I just noticed that the serrated leaves on the left seedling are turning yellow in color. It also seems like the growth is really slow.

I think they look good. They grow slow right now because they are concentrating on the roots. You may want to verify that the roots have not started to come through the rapid rooter. When you plant them I’d recommend burying them up the stem a little to help eliminate the stretch. I’d try to get the seed husk off the leaves. You have done way better with the rapid rooters than I ever did.


Yep, it’s normal for them to stall a little bit before they take off again.
I can see they’re stretching a little, you could lower the light to keep them from doing that. What kind of light do you have?
I also would recommend to transplant now that they have leaves and roots. You can bury the stem. @Bubblehead best me to that one. Lol.
Fox farms Ocean Forest is a great soil that has a lot of nutrients in it.
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I’m using this light here:

I’ve got it about 6-7 inches away from the top of the plants right now. There’s one tiny bit of root poking through the bottom of each rapid rooter. It doesn’t sound like either of you are concerned about the bit of yellow forming on the center of the serrated leaves on the plant on the left though?

It doesn’t look concerning. It just needs to be potted. This is more concerning. Need to remove the membrane preventing the cotyledon from opening up


I just pulled it off :wink:

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The yellowing of the first cotyledon is acceptable. It will die off eventually anyways.

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Do you have a light that will carry you through veg and flowering? @Crumb93

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I thought the round circular leaves are the cotyledon? Yes sir I’ve got one of these in my grow tent -

I didn’t think it was good to stick the seedlings underneath that yet.

You’re doing good. No worries. Yes the rounded ones are the cotyledons. The yellowing will stop if you transplant. There’s no nutrients in the rapid rooters.
Next time when you start seedlings, soak the rapid rooters in 200 PPM veg nutrient solution. Then squeeze out excess.
Is there a dimmer switch on that fixture?
It’s okay to use that light just at a distance, 18-24”, and dimmed all the way if you can.


I t looks like it uses dual ELG-240-48A Meanwell drivers. The amazon listing says they are dimmable from the bottom of the driver. How in blue blazes are you suppose to access those adjustments? @dbrn32


There’s a rubber plug on the driver and it’s adjustable with a small flat screwdriver.

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Elg drivers are a pain, dimming pot is indeed on bottom. Also, elg drivers will only hit full power on 240v. Output current is derated on standard US 120v receptacle.


I just bought the sf2000. Keep in touch how you get along with your 4000

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I would think the yellowing is primarily caused by too much water, which is fairly typical with those cubes. The seed has enough food in it to carry it through the first set of of true leaves. But yes I agree it can be planted immediately. In fact, you can skip the cubes entirely if you plan to use a soil/less mix anyway and eliminate any future transplant shock. Also the stretch is all about the wanting more light. Very lightly pre moisten the soil/less mix you plan to use so it isnt soaking wet when you plant. That way it will readily except water when you do. It will also promote root searching. Be very careful to water very sparsely in the beginning.

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You are getting good advice. So long as you have healthy new growth I wouldn’t worry too much about it.

Thanks everyone. I moved the seedlings into red solo cups filled with FoxFarm soil. I ordered Happy Frog but got the Ocean Forest Potting Soil by mistake; which was kind of a bummer. We just sprayed the soil with distilled water and placed large zip lock bags around the tops of the plants.

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Probably better in my opinion anyways. It’ll get quite a few weeks of veg time with no nutrients added.

Are there holes in the bottom of those? Fastest way to kill them with no holes. I made that mistake with a clone… ONCE.

Yeah I cut three small holes in the very bottom and then two near the bottom on the sides.

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There is no need to cover the plants with plastic, they need air exchange! They will also benefit from a gentle breeze as it will promote strong stems!

As can plainly be seen here, the seedling is doing fine without being covered.