Trouble With Seedlings

Lots of folks swear by their domes, but I’ve never used one either and I’m batting 1,000. I just keep the humidity in my tent north of 65-70% and have a breeze on them as well.


Last time I checked, I have never seen a dome on any plants in nature? Although, with all the plastic garbage now maybe it will be a thing?

You’re right, that’s why we keep the domes on indoors.
For the growers that aren’t as experienced as yourself, they want to keep the dome on so they don’t kill it from dehydration/low humidity. @Cannabian


Oh Im not saying domes are bad perse, but unless you live in a super arid climate they arent usually needed. Also, I think Im still learning as well, as far as indoor growing is concerned weed has not been my main crop. I started doing weed indoors purely to get them ready for the greenhouse as I dont really have the room to flower them out without sacrificing my food crop!