Trichomes on manicuring scissor scissors

Started manicuring grow today and after a few branches I got loads of trichomes on scissor blades from trimming buds.What do others due to collect,save,use trichomes on blades? These buds are a-bit sticky after 9 days of drying…any ideas?

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You could probably scrape them off with a razor blade or something like that. I think I do it like most when I put alcohol on the scissors and clean them with a rag. Trichs are useless then, but trimming is such a pain nobody wants to stop to scrape their trimmers.


Scrape it off with a razor blade. It’s good hash.


I have a small jar with everclear and when its dark w scissor glue i pour it in with the extract and distill it into tar for use in everything


I scrape it off roll it in my fingers and after i get a BB size ball i smoke it!


Im with @Outlaw but at the same time also in 100% agreement with @MidwestGuy its good hash but mostly i just wanna get that done and relax so i end up with alcohol and a rag

I do try to collect the trichs and resin at the end. But I rarely have help doing anything so during trimming I just clean off the trimmers and move on.


I’m to the point where i have a gallon ziplock bag full of trimming shears. When they get caked with resin i swap them for clean pair. If you place the ones needing cleaned into a clean bag you can go back and scrape later. I have seen others pick it off with nitrile gloves and just save the gloves to pick hash out of later.

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So i set out multiple pairs and i rotate them out, one gets dirty it goes into the alcohol bottle and i grab a fresh pair.

Looks like this, we are trimming right now :tired_face:

You can see the alcohol is brown :sweat_smile: it was a new bottle and only ever used for this. But akes it alot faster :grin:

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I sorta pick off the big chunks and just throw it in the trim or sometimes the blunt im rolling while trimming but yeah, i just stick them in the alcohol and let it melt off :sweat_smile:

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I’m Lovin the trimming tray;saves me plenty of mess plus being comfortable trimming over something when sitting. The Kief or whatever I’m collecting is fun energetic tasty smoke…


Get yourself one of these and it’ll take your kief game to the next level. Add some kief, crank it down, put in the oven 225-250° for five minutes, remove and give another crank down, five minutes oven again, remove and put in freezer for 15 minutes. Voila you have hash pucks.

Edit: if you get a press make sure it’s stainless steel or it’s gonna strip out.


I use the resin to lubricate my truck.

The trimming tray with the trichome screen was hit!! I filled 2 containers (that had previously contained kief that I bought from a dispensary )full of kief from the trimmings. One white widow netted 14 oz ± planted in may and harvested Oct 11th in Maryland. Next spring I will be able to grow 2 plants legally in Maryland. Thanks to all for your responses!


Nice haul :star_struck:
14oz is dang near a pound! Not to bad my freind :grin:

Its was a nice haul with a bonus of kief ! Looking forward to next years grow when I can grow in a spot with more sun without fear of getting fines for growing