Hello everyone,
its my first time trimming and im noticing it doesnt take long to gum up my shears. im dry trimming. I was just wondering how others clean their shears. Im thinking of using alcohol wipes then let them completely dry before resuming trimming? I have 2 pairs of shears but they both gummed up within 20 minutes. Anyone have a fast effective trick for this little problem? Thanks
Also my buds are very airy and loose. They seem to be pretty dry. The steams snap but dont fully break. they have been hanging about 6 days. the sweet grass smell is gone and the skunky smell returning. are they airy and loose because they need more dry time maybe? will they firm up during curing any more? I plan to cure in jars with the humidity packs. Thanks again
Everclear works best. Isopropyl alcohol works too but not as well.
Its a good sign when your scissors gum up.
And autoflowers are usually a looser bud structure that photos. Not always, but more often than not.
This has nothing to do with quality, its just a way they grow.
Ok thank you for all the help. these are autoflowers and I figured this plants was going to be airy and loose, just hoped it would firm up a bit more. Being my first grow I am super happy and stoked with the results! I cant wait to get final yield weight. It is looking better than I had thought it would. Im pretty much hooked on growing now. Im eager to get better. Thank for yaking time to answer my questions
You can clean them with everclear or alcohol, oooor you can “clean” them and scrape the gunk from them and your fingers and rub it all into a ball and get some hash hits.
My personal favourite.
Got a few on the tray in frt of me now.
Nice. I like to use the finger hash to make little needle looking pieces and lay them in a joint.
Scrape the scissor hash off with a razor blade. Trim. Scrape. Finish wash with alchohol. Take the pile of scissor hash/bowl/lighter/lungs and enjoy.
Nice. I’ll gather a few together after they dry a bit and just use them in the j by themselves.
Powder them up like keif.
Makes a super tasty treat.
Not sure why I didnt think to scrap most of it off. I"ll remember that next time. I plan to use the sugar leafs for butter. If nothing else it could have went in with them for sure. Thats my next thing to study up on how much sugar leafs per stick of butter. Anyone make butter with the sugar leafs and maybe have a recommendation?
I use body oil from Trader Joes to clean my fingers. I find it works better than alcohol. I have tried other oils such as Olive oil and find some work better than others.
Good problem to have
I fill a little cup with isopropyl acohol 93%. Trim with shears until they get sticky. Put the tips into the cup of isopropyl and use other shears. When those get sticky i drop those into the cup and pull out the ones previously sitting in the cup, wave them round (careful not to stab myself in the retina whilst doing so) to dry them off and just keep switching.
If use 1 oz bud you need at least 4oz shake/trim to match it…maybe surpass. I add bud to my shake…all the popcorns. The whole plant can be used but diminishing returns farther from the flowers we go. Fans i dont use but keep for a cousins tea. Just what I have noticed.
Thank you. I was wondering about fan leafs. Ill probably not use them. I mainly just wanted to find a use for the sugars. I eventually hope to have enough bud in the bank to use them. maybe even someday advance to another extraction method
I use lens wipes eyeglass wipes they are very effective.
I do the same, but i wipe off the sheers with a cloth after. Way more efficient to always have a pair soaking