Bud Trimming advice

So I’ve noticed many opinions on how to manicure your buds. I dont care if it’s perfectly beautiful but I do care about it the affects it will have on quality. I used a bud that ended up off a branch during harvest to practice a bit. Any advice on whether this is good or I need to do take more off would be appreciated…Thank you


Iv never made it that fair. But id smoke that as it is :joy:


that looks great, mine dont look like that, after trimming 7 plants, im like everything looks good after a few snips lol but i also do a wet trim before drying. want to trim mine next harvest? lol


Those look good! The little sugar leaves don’t effect potency, but if eniugh are left on, the taste does change. Becomes a little harsh. If i don’t do a great trim, i pick them off when breaking it up.


Sure thing! Haha

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Those nugs look great! I really like to use a curved blade for finish trimming and conform to the roundness of the nug. I usually wet trim and get what i can quickly and then do a finish trim with curved blades


I wasnt sure what i would like so i bought a pair of the Chikamasa and a pair of the fiskars both with curved blades. It definitely makes it easier to make precise snips.

Bro if its only you smoking it well it doesnt really matter how well you trim it .


Have pride in your work
Great job. I do the main buds all pretty but the rest get sloppy. Just dont have the time.


i second that lol

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Like others my main buds, colas etc, get a great trim. Not as great as yours however I do take time. I like good looking buds. The rest of them well they get trimmed and manicured more when smokin
Happy harvest


im jealous, i hate trimming but love when its that time, i got a trim coming soon but its a stunted plant so literally 2 buds and a stem


maybe be stunted that baby has some fat azz buds

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yea looks like maybe 5-7gs…i get big buds normally but im short about 250watts in my 4×4 so theyre slways fluffy, cnt complain though

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I like to crop them close and cut out most sugar leaves too.

You did a great job in my book and slightly closer than even mine below. I was told leaves are harsher than buds to smoke and I go by that.
