Thought on HLG 350 Diablo?


Hope you are well!
Any thoughts on that lamp? I’ve red board style is kinda bad, is it the case for this one?


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From what i hear anything hlg is good to go

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I’ve found some comments stating poor par map uniformity, wondering if it’s truly the case, and if a led bar style would be better suited.

Cheers :slight_smile:

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When the latest and greatest comes out the last gets bashed :hugs:
Yes bar gives slight better coverage.
Go for the best you can get :green_heart::metal:t2:
My grows aren’t show quality but they do great for me. Using 320w diy hlg boards. And the least diode count they had :sunglasses:


I averaged a LB + with the 350r in 2x4 routinely


A bar fixture can offer more uniformity and coverage IF you have an even canopy.


From my 3x3.5 closet, just a couple weeks ago, using a 350r Diablo…

Now, had I purchased a Spider Farmer or Mars Hydro or AC Infinity bar style, I’d probably be showing off the same results. I think it’s gonna be a growers choice.

Edit/add… I gotta say I had a bad bad run this summer and have been dropping pics of my last harvest like cat food for fish. My sincerest apologies for thread jacking.


I have 3 of them and i love them… :wink:

I had a hicup with one of them but it ended up being a loose connection on the dimmer and it wasn’t plugged in all the way… :man_facepalming:
I would recommend them… :ok_hand:
I also just bought a 200 r spec for vegg that im pretty impressed with…

:v: :sunglasses:


I have a 350r, blackbird, 600r and 300b… none disappoint. Cant go wrong with HLG… this one i have under the blackbird with the 350 and 600 on the sides … week 4 maybe? Shes just now started to get going.