Alright guys and gals, new week… same problem lol
I’ve been watching these ladies grow right through these 40f night time temps, however I’m forecasted for a few consecutive night with temps into the mid 30’s
Realistically, I can’t wake up at 2 am to go out and cover them with plastic in the dark lol.
So I’m thinking about cutting my trellis nets away and moving these 10’ beasts into my garage (only place that has the clearance). For the nights it drops below 40. Luckily they’re in 15gal smartpots, I’ll have to get some kind of tray (plywood 4’x4’) to keep them stable and reduce jostling. Then after temps bounce back north of 40 I’ll use:
To support and pull branches away from each other.
It’s been such a great summer weather wise, I’d hate to lose these at the end. 35f mid September seems early lol
Wish me luck moving these
We have our first frost warnings tonight. I can move some girls indoors, the others I’m covering with a sheet and hope that helps. About three weeks from harvest and they may not make it.
No shit man, way too early for these temps. Climate change is messing with my herbs! lol
What are you using to cover them, plastic or cloth cover? Let me know how it works for you, I might have to move to that method towards the end of flower.
DAMN, this is a problem across the whole United States right now
every morning I wake up and it is so wet outside I went out and was looking at my girls… yep!!! some of them got some bud rot
because the buds are so so dank
Girls are not just allowed it to dry and I’m in a panic and wondering if my girls are going to make it …so I am starting an early Harvest…
Best of luck on your moving exercise.
I feel ya on the temps.
My girl is just too big to move and I’ve still got 4 weeks at least till she’s done.
I’m in Nova Scotia and we’ve already had a few frosty nites.
And now we’ve got hurricanes on the menu too.
Pray for warmth.
I wish I could get mine in a green house, but I don’t have the extra flow to get that done. So I’ll drag them in the garage for the next fou nights lol
Nice looking colas btw
Yeah this early morning dew is killing me I spent the better part of the day out there clocking out cutting out all the bud rot from the moisture and it was well over an ounce thankfully it was only on a few plants oh, but I did Harvest couple ounces from four of my girls that have made it to a 2-year grow …( going to put them in the ground and hope that they will come back again, of course I’m leaving the lower little buds on so they have something to grow back on like I did last year) … that stuff will definitely be night stuff it is freaking put your ass to sleep stash
BTW welcome to ILGM, Rita… this is definitely the form you want to be on!! the knowledge you will learn from these fellow Growers will blow your mind. Just when you think you got all the knowledge you come on here and learn all kinds of stuff
I’ve been grow from many many many years and the last three years that I’ve been on here my grow is like the bomb!!! The rock hard buds, the SMELL, and WOW the Taste… all the little tips that you get on products like Captain Jack’s deadbug Brew I no longer have those Dam green caterpillars that just destroy your crop… absolutely Priceless info !!! again another shout-out “as often as I can” to all of you Fabolous knowledgeable Growers …thank you